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Which Insurance covering should i get?


New Member
Jul 19, 2021
Austria, Klagenfurt
Hello everyone!
Im a 18 years old student andits my first time getting a somehow professional drone. I ordered the DJI Mini 2, which is in comparison to my last Toy drones professional. Im from Europe and we got pretty strong regulations. First step is to get the right insurance. Since im a student and dont have a lot of money, i wanted the cheapest possible, which would cover 1 million €. But they told me to get at least 3 million € coverage insurance. They told me a story about someone from my country, who distracted a cyclist with his DJI Mini 2, she then fell and is now in a wheelchair. Even though the drone didnt touch her, she sued the pilot and the pain money was in the millions. Now i read a lot of articles what drones have for an impact and how big the damage could get. After all this im not even sure, if 3 million is enugh. Problem is, i have no income and i bought the drone with my hard worked money, now the hidden costs are killing me.

So my question: Do you guys think, 3 million € coverage is enough?

And also, anyone got any recommendation, on how to earn money with drones, since i need to cover my costs?
Not sure about insurance policies in your country, but if you're a student and living at home with your parents perhaps (?), then their homeowners insurance may partially cover you as long as you not doing commercial work. Might want to check on that first.

You seem to be taking a very mature approach to your hobby and that is a good thing but I might suggest putting a lot of focus on understanding the regulations where you intend to fly and also do some research about all the facets of drone operations. ;)An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of the cure - or in other words - do everything you can to put yourself in a position that will never require you to make an insurance claim.

As for using a drone for business? Keep in mind that a drone is just a tool that holds a camera, and it is what you can do with a camera, that will determine if you can make money with a drone. Since you're in school perhaps look into
a photography class.

Most folks pick up drone operation in a fraction of the time it will take them to fully understand the basics of photography and some never do. Getting the basics at your age will put you ahead in the game. Good Luck, and welcome to the forum.
Not sure about insurance policies in your country, but if you're a student and living at home with your parents perhaps (?), then their homeowners insurance may partially cover you as long as you not doing commercial work. Might want to check on that first.

You seem to be taking a very mature approach to your hobby and that is a good thing but I might suggest putting a lot of focus on understanding the regulations where you intend to fly and also do some research about all the facets of drone operations. ;)An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of the cure - or in other words - do everything you can to put yourself in a position that will never require you to make an insurance claim.

As for using a drone for business? Keep in mind that a drone is just a tool that holds a camera, and it is what you can do with a camera, that will determine if you can make money with a drone. Since you're in school perhaps look into
a photography class.

Most folks pick up drone operation in a fraction of the time it will take them to fully understand the basics of photography and some never do. Getting the basics at your age will put you ahead in the game. Good Luck, and welcome to the forum.
Thank you my Fellow Star Wars friend! Somehow, no home insurance covers drones, not even mini drones. And yes, i have been researching for 2 weeks now about the law, rules etc. Also i want to fly as safe as possible, but you never know, what happens. Maybe nothing happens, if you have a lot of experience and say so. And thanks for the photography tip, i will keep that in mind. Have a nice day!
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Not sure about insurance policies in your country, but if you're a student and living at home with your parents perhaps (?), then their homeowners insurance may partially cover you as long as you not doing commercial work. Might want to check on that first.

You seem to be taking a very mature approach to your hobby and that is a good thing but I might suggest putting a lot of focus on understanding the regulations where you intend to fly and also do some research about all the facets of drone operations. ;)An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of the cure - or in other words - do everything you can to put yourself in a position that will never require you to make an insurance claim.

As for using a drone for business? Keep in mind that a drone is just a tool that holds a camera, and it is what you can do with a camera, that will determine if you can make money with a drone. Since you're in school perhaps look into
a photography class.

Most folks pick up drone operation in a fraction of the time it will take them to fully understand the basics of photography and some never do. Getting the basics at your age will put you ahead in the game. Good Luck, and welcome to the forum.
another thing: i checked your profile and followed you, since you posted some really good articles ;)
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