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Will the Mavic Air 2 lose lots of value?

Real Estate's ok but make sure you hear that bell they ring when the market is at its peak.?
offtheback, Amen! After 3 decades in real estate I could not agree more. We are in the most unique market any Realtor has ever seen. NH has the low inventory and sky rocketing prices like everywhere else in the country. The good thing is that the increases "WILL NEVER END! THEY JUST KEEP GOING UP FOREVER!" Ha ha ok we have heard that before. If you could time travel back several years or more then I would buy everything piece of real estate in sight. Depreciation of a drone is much more reasonable.
A far bigger problem for aspiring drone videographers is figuring out how to shoot and use the footage to make a film that others want to watch. The vast majority of films are quite boring after the first minute of very long shots over interesting countrysides.

Yep! This is why most of my drone videos for Youtube are 60 seconds or less!
To be honest, I think you need to ask yourself whether you want to get into drone flying at all if depreciation is a concern...

This is a hobby that you can drop A LOT of money in, and since it is technologically in an advancing field, the next best thing is always just around the corner. And once that hits the market, your drone might suddenly be halved in retail price almost overnight. One big difference is the accessories; I find that when I try to sell my drones, there are always hundreds of them at almost the same price point, and you are not going to sell it for much more. Only when you have the original boxes, receipts, the fly more combo and maybe some other accessories, that is what sells your drone in that case. (Not in price point, but in how easy you can sell it)

So, in either case (Mini 2 or Air 2), make sure you buy what you enjoy flying, and what you can afford. If you can not afford to loose $400-$600 in 1 or 2 years time, then it might be best to not buy a drone at all...
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I Have them both. Mini 2 is wonderful drone, but honestly, the real device is Air 2. And there is no way to explain why, you have to fly them and then you will understand....
Very true! I had the Mini1 and moved to the Air2 and it’s a whole different experience but it may not be quite as dramatic moving from a Mini2 ??‍♂️. Having said that, I had my money’s worth of fun with my MM and sold the Combo on Craigslist for $375 with over 300 miles on it. It was still in good shape though.
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So far, looking around a little, prices for the Mini does not appear to have dropped dramatically after the Mini 2 appeared, but of course, the Mini value did drop, perhaps 20-25%, though perhaps that amount can be debated a little.. its also never clear to me anyway, whether users are having issues selling a Mini to get an Air 2 or Mini 2.

Flying Drones is not for everyone, its a complicated hobby, simplified a fair amount by DJI, but it still doesn't stop people from crashing them for issues that are not related to the drone itself, which raises the cost of ownership, even with some level of coverage from either DJI refresh or an insurance policy. So it can be a limited market. I've seen a number of drones on various reseller sites that say, not flying it anymore, or not flying it enough, lost interest, etc..

Like any tech, once a new model comes out, previous generations lose value, you can find perhaps some deals on Mavic 1's or other older DJI models beyond the Mini's, but they still appear to be in the $500 range perhaps, depending on quality and of course there are extras that the seller in many cases adds in that perhaps reduces the value of the drone, but increases the value of the package.. batteries, carrying case, other accessories that cost them money beyond a combo pack...

There is no way to know whether someone will be a good pilot and will fly enough to make it worth while.. There are factors there as well, if you live in northern climates, a good part of the year it's either just not comfortable or just too cold to fly. The inverse can be be true if its 90-100 degrees for weeks at a time in hotter climates.. Then of course the final nail of course is the specter of regulations making it harder to fly.
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You might also consider a used or refurbished Mavic 2 Pro. You would be in the same ballpark price wise, and you’d be getting a much better machine. Much better in windy conditions and a better camera.
You are welcome. I just trying to repay all the great information that I have gained on this forum. My comments were not based on years of drone knowledge but instead my outlook and flying background. It is funny what words people identify with. Sorry if I cost you additional money!! Since I am new and fresh off an MA2 purchase I have a suggestion for a FREE yet Professional course given by Pilot Institute. It is the Mavic Air 2 Deep Dive free course They also have a Mini 2 Deep Dive. Others can suggest other quality YouTube videos I am sure. The intense course I linked is put on by a professional certificated flight instructor and he has a comprehensive 3 hour organized course. I have no financial interest in the company but am much more comfortable with my MA2 because of it. Wow, off topic but appropriate to whichever drone you choose.
Im actually not from New Haven, just typed in the place I was in at the moment, at this point just waiting for an available refurbished MA2 on one of these sites to become available. I’ll definitely check out that free course, will be too afraid not to I imagine.
So far, looking around a little, prices for the Mini does not appear to have dropped dramatically after the Mini 2 appeared, but of course, the Mini value did drop, perhaps 20-25%, though perhaps that amount can be debated a little.. its also never clear to me anyway, whether users are having issues selling a Mini to get an Air 2 or Mini 2.

Flying Drones is not for everyone, its a complicated hobby, simplified a fair amount by DJI, but it still doesn't stop people from crashing them for issues that are not related to the drone itself, which raises the cost of ownership, even with some level of coverage from either DJI refresh or an insurance policy. So it can be a limited market. I've seen a number of drones on various reseller sites that say, not flying it anymore, or not flying it enough, lost interest, etc..

Like any tech, once a new model comes out, previous generations lose value, you can find perhaps some deals on Mavic 1's or other older DJI models beyond the Mini's, but they still appear to be in the $500 range perhaps, depending on quality and of course there are extras that the seller in many cases adds in that perhaps reduces the value of the drone, but increases the value of the package.. batteries, carrying case, other accessories that cost them money beyond a combo pack...

There is no way to know whether someone will be a good pilot and will fly enough to make it worth while.. There are factors there as well, if you live in northern climates, a good part of the year it's either just not comfortable or just too cold to fly. The inverse can be be true if its 90-100 degrees for weeks at a time in hotter climates.. Then of course the final nail of course is the specter of regulations making it harder to fly.
Yes i was overthinking the resale aspect, much is unknown but it should still be worth upwards if $500 for a while to come and that should be good enough. i should just plan to make use of it for years to come, put resale out of mind, but just not make a habit of buying other expensive items as my budget only permits one for a long time.

I live in a favorable climate but I will need to make sure beforehand that I will not be one to buy something like this and not use it, for my situation if i’m not flying most weeks then i shouldn’t be buying it
You might also consider a used or refurbished Mavic 2 Pro. You would be in the same ballpark price wise, and you’d be getting a much better machine. Much better in windy conditions and a better camera.
I need to check that out, i think I checked out a Mavic pro 1 vs air 2 video and dont even remember what the breakdown was, I believe it was favorable to the air 2 but ive bombarded myself with too much info I’m losing track, hopefully there’s even refurbished 2 Pros available because there aren’t any air 2s at the moment
Ask yourself this question? Would the money difference between the two drones ((Mavic Air 2 $800-Mini2 $450=$350.00. Will that $350 make the difference in your life? What would you have to do to earn or get a hold of that extra $350.00? Does it REALLY bend the curve for you? These days, my wife and I will easily spend close to $100 for a nice dinner out once off twice a month. Just do the numbers. It is almost $1.00 a day for a year for the Air 2.
Definitely worth the extra $350 due to the active track/follow me for me (which i know mean very little to the guys who use these things seriously) frankly I just wish DJI just made a slightly upgraded mini 2 with active track then I’d go for it no question but they make me leap up to a much higher rung, perhaps by design?
My only advice is try to sell in the spring or at Christmas, not the fall! When the weather starts to warm up the demand goes up and so does the price ? I bought used in January for a great price and i could resell it now for 25% more than I paid.
Just a thought!
Im the sucker buying in the spring!
Are you in a windy area or not. If so, go for the MA2. If not, the Mini2 gets good reviews. Are you the aggressive sort? If so, it’s nice to have avoidance sensors as a backup. Do you want to use follow me? Go with the MA2. Like others have said, don’t get too hung up on resale value. Best wishes.
Yeah it really, sadly, comes down to the follow me/active track, which ends up costing the additional $350 and i’m sure it wouldn’t cost them anything near that to add to the mini 2 but i’m sure DJI knows that very well. Yeah not going to worry about resale, going to plan to have it for years
As somewhat of a newbie myself and still learning I would suggest not worrying about resale but what you plan to do and where/ how you plan to fly. A Mini or Mini2 offer great performance for their price points, can charge off of standard powerbanks and are below the 250g threshold. The advantages the MA2 offer are most noticeable in the Mini to MA2 comparison and (not quite) almost negligible in the Mini2 to MA2 comparison( the added weight of the MA2 alone makes for a huge difference in the wind and worth the added cost BUT you have to register). The MA2S will, from what's been speculated so far, offer a small, incremental, update to the MA2 as opposed to a major jump like from MA to MA2. Most likely a minor range and or speed increase, possible better camera performance, better AI or obstacle sensors and so on. If you want to get in to the hobby do it now with either the Mini2( price and no registration are key here; the $150 difference between Mini2 FMC and basic MA2 gives you a 4th battery, a nice case/ backpack and a ton of other accessory options) or MA2( better overall performance but batteries are over twice as much and you need to register) and then expand your fleet in a year or 2 if you're enjoying it. I still break out my mini(s) almost weekly because they are just fun to fly and having an extra drone for the kids, a friend or whatever to fly makes for a better day at the park and gives you options.
When i was first comparing Air 2 and Mini 2 i was wrongly under impression mini 2 had follow me mode (my plans are mostly to video myself) and I was looking into all these ways to strap controller to myself without it messing up the drone, wondering if i should just go with air 2 because active track didn’t require holding controller. after some time i learned the mini 2 didnt even have follow me, but i still wondered maybe i’ll just get help from friends and that could work. then i realized i’m basically limiting when and how often I can use it to like tops one weekend a month else risk annoying friends.

so yeah now I guess i’m just waiting for a refurbished Mavic air 2 to come available on one of these sites, hardly any available on facebook or clist and i’m too worried to have one shipped to me by a random guy who claims he only a flew it a few times but “perfect working condition”
If you’re serious, they’re selling DJI refurbished units on eBay right now for $849 for Fly More kit. I got one last month and it looks and flies perfect. Includes DJI warranty.
Oh and something else: you may want to be interested in the Xiaomi Fimi X8 Mini. It is a competitor to the DJI Mini 2 and will feature active track. It's not released yet, but will probably be next week.... Might float your boat!
anything tech like will drop at least 50% in a year :(

I have a 14 year old Sony TV. Paid $2600 for it new. 1080p baby! Today I might get $20 for it?
i refuse to buy an old n64 game for the $50 asking price somewhat because i don’t really need it but also out of principle,
If you’re serious, they’re selling DJI refurbished units on eBay right now for $849 for Fly More kit. I got one last month and it looks and flies perfect. Includes DJI warranty.
The included DJI warranty is the couple week thing where you can send it back if a manufacturer issue? Maybe i’m just ignorant but i was picturing being set up enough with just the standard package without the fly more, i’m noticing though that there’s basically no availability for that, I’m thinking that’s because they’re selling the drone at a refurbished price $130 off, but the fly more extras at basically full price. ideally i’d get refurbished standard package and get refresh or buy locally off facebook or clist for $700 no sales tax.

i see that walmart has the air 2 available and like a 3 year warranty for $60 or something cheap, know if that’s legit at all, even then i’m approaching a grand
i refuse to buy an old n64 game for the $50 asking price somewhat because i don’t really need it but also out of principle,

The included DJI warranty is the couple week thing where you can send it back if a manufacturer issue? Maybe i’m just ignorant but i was picturing being set up enough with just the standard package without the fly more, i’m noticing though that there’s basically no availability for that, I’m thinking that’s because they’re selling the drone at a refurbished price $130 off, but the fly more extras at basically full price. ideally i’d get refurbished standard package and get refresh or buy locally off facebook or clist for $700 no sales tax.

i see that walmart has the air 2 available and like a 3 year warranty for $60 or something cheap, know if that’s legit at all, even then i’m approaching a grand
The Walmart package might be a MA2 Fly More with 2 years of DJI Refresh. not sure where 3 comes in. Never saw anything like that, and you're highly unlikely to find a MA2 now at $700 even for a basic AC/RC unit.

Now if the rumored Air 2S comes out then MA2 prices will shift eventually.. Course its hard to know when this model will ship...

The refurb deal is probably about the best your going to do right now..
Oh and something else: you may want to be interested in the Xiaomi Fimi X8 Mini. It is a competitor to the DJI Mini 2 and will feature active track. It's not released yet, but will probably be next week.... Might float your boat!
hey now, im amazed how helpful this forum is, i’ve posted on like 4 forums in my life and the other three times i’ve either gotten no responses or not helped, going to look into this Xiaomi mini, would have never heard this otherwise thank you
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The Walmart package might be a MA2 Fly More with 2 years of DJI Refresh. not sure where 3 comes in. Never saw anything like that, and you're highly unlikely to find a MA2 now at $700 even for a basic AC/RC unit.

Now if the rumored Air 2S comes out then MA2 prices will shift eventually.. Course its hard to know when this model will ship...

The refurb deal is probably about the best your going to do right now..

4 years $77, i’m probably not going with it, going to check out this other mini drone this other guy just suggested or wait for refurb stock to replenish, just hope that doesn’t mean waiting for air2S if the air 2s isn’t here until end of spring.

i dont see why private sellers are listing their drones for anything more than a refurbished unit, see a lot of listings that have been up for weeks and weeks, maybe people don’t actually want to sell them

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