More gedanken... Where to go next in the Mini line? For me, with 4Pro in hand, and not caring much about automation bells and whistles, I was thinking about this.
What would compel me to open the wallet again? One thing would be cramming a current state-of-the-art 1 inch sensor into the pup with vastly improved low-light and noise characteristics, especially in DNG and DLOG formats.
But how? Where to take out the weight? One possibility is the camera housing and gimbal structure. Redesign it to be made out of Carbon Fiber, or some very light and strong plastic.
For the sake of this discussion, assume it makes the camera/gimbal not-insignificantly more subject to damage in any collision. The threshold for what sort of a smack it would take without damage would be lower.
And Care Refresh a bit more expensive.
Would this be enough to upgrade? It would for me
Discuss. And nobody get all verklempt. (shameless oldster cultural reference)
What would compel me to open the wallet again? One thing would be cramming a current state-of-the-art 1 inch sensor into the pup with vastly improved low-light and noise characteristics, especially in DNG and DLOG formats.
But how? Where to take out the weight? One possibility is the camera housing and gimbal structure. Redesign it to be made out of Carbon Fiber, or some very light and strong plastic.
For the sake of this discussion, assume it makes the camera/gimbal not-insignificantly more subject to damage in any collision. The threshold for what sort of a smack it would take without damage would be lower.
And Care Refresh a bit more expensive.
Would this be enough to upgrade? It would for me

Discuss. And nobody get all verklempt. (shameless oldster cultural reference)