That's been out for a couple months. They just added an "FX" set for Mini 3 Pro with Gold Morphic, Blue Morphic and Mist. Cheaper @ $79 USD than for Mavic 3 @$129 but still not cheap. That have a regular set of ND for M3Pro also $79, and I just bought a SINGLE VND/Gold Morphic for Mavic 3. They offer a Mist and Blue Morphic. VND and standard (which works on Mavuc 3 with variable aperture - not sure they would work except in lower light scenarios for Mini 3.
Meanwhile Freewell has a true Anamorphic + Wide Angle Lens with 4 snap on ND Filters, and GND (Graduated ND with dark top fir sjy and lighter bottom for ground. Options are a great thing, but this is getting crazy