Having both APPS on the same device may still cause an error. The whole problem arises (especially on android devices) because the USB device driver connecting to the controller can be used by both apps, DJI GO 4 and Litchi. The app which grasps it randomly may be successfull provoking a disconnect for the other app.
If you want to be sure that no other app interferes for the USB connection, you have to STOP the other app and not just "close" it (put in the background). To really stop a DJI GO4 and prevent it from interfering with Lichi, you have to go in the Android "settings" section, go to "Apps" and choose "DJI GO 4". Here, force STOP. Additionally, choose for "set as standard" "clean standard values" so it does not stick to the USB device driver any more.
Then, and only then, the DJI GO 4 app will not interfere with Litchi.