Sounds like you are only pushing the button once which shows the status.
It probably slipped your mind, turning on/off requires the button to be pushed once, the again holding it in for about 2 seconds.
Use the DJI Assistant 2 For Mavic software on your computer. It's quick and easy.
Gripes, seriously??? This being your first drone as a new drone flyer, you should be impressed with the technology and features you get at this price point. Perhaps you should spend some effort learning how the drone works and all its features before asking for more. And when you get to that...
That is so strange they charged you $2. At least that's over with now. You'll be happy to get your drone back, just in time to try out the latest updates in the Fly app.
Yes, that's because it updated automatically via the App/Play store.
Others must sideload the app because they're using devices that's not on the official approved list, which means it's not available for them via the App/Play store.
The batteries will still work if not updated.
No, the drone doesn't just 'update' the batteries on its own; it doesn't work that way.
The notification will be on the initial screen, it may take a few minutes to register the required update.
Nope, there are currently no option to change it in the Fly app. It may or may not be added at a later date, it depends on the product roadmap on what features will be unleashed.
Incorrect. The battery used during the drone firmware update is the only one that's updated automatically. The others will have to be done manually. There will be a notification in the Fly app to update the battery, in the first window when you launch the app. This is old information by the...