Hi fellow pilots,
I’ve searched a lot but couldn’t find anything useful so I’m posting my question here.
Does anyone know of a feasible and “simple” solution to flying over and with others to intend your purposes?
Sometimes I’ll fly over someone or something and would like to aware them of my...
Al things aside form that, I think the water drops in the long run will kill your Mavic. The trees were obviously dripping water drops from their branches so if you don’t fly into a tree hard enough eventually the water will kill your Mavic.
Hi all,
I am relatively new to drone flying, photography and video editing.
I absolutely love flying and always have. Since a few years now I have a benign brain tumor which has a significant impact on certain aspects of my life. It was at this moment I decided to finally look for a new...
Hi Mad Angler,
I have tried that approach as well but no luck so far. I have been out of commission due to hospitalization and will be discharged today so I’ll see if new updates bring any solutions.
Thanks Fortnight.
I’ve done exactly that and yes I can then import photos and short videos of up to about 30 seconds of footage but anything longer than 30 seconds fails to import and it reads fail or not successful.
Still haven’t found out what it is.. or why it’s behaving like this.
Hi Everyone,
I’ve finally received my mounting bracket for my CrystalSky in combination with my Mavic Pro.
I’m really loving it and pleased with the performance and brightness. All is now set up and configured but still have one issue to solve.
How can I easily and without any hassle share...