Hey guys,
I recently got a Mavic. Wonderful device, mine isnt plagued at all by any hardware-related problems. Great, but sadly I cannot really say that for the software.
First I tried the drone with an older HTC One M7, later with an S7 Edge. Plethora of Problems, I spare you the details so I...
Trying to decide whether or not I should use the iPad 4 mini with my Mavic. Anyone had anything but GOOD experiences with the iPad? Any reason we shouldn't use one?
I used an Apple cord from the iPad Lightning to the USB port on the controller and I get terrible lag as well as half the screen being green. This does not happen when I use my iPhone 6 Plus. Any Ideas?
Image2 by OldDawg posted Feb 3, 2017 at 1:53 PM
Image1 by OldDawg posted Feb 3, 2017 at...