I crashed a mavic mini in a creek over a year ago. Found it three days later still in water. Pulled it all apart to remove all the mud and cleaned it. Have not done anything else with it since.
The SD card had the footage from the day and there is a file from the last video I was recording when...
Aydos Forest
The highest hill of Istanbul with an altitude of 537 meters. ''Aydos'' means eagle in Greek language. You can easily jog and hike here through the trails besides looking at the beautiful trees and enjoying nature. All footage shot by DJI Mavic Mini in 2.7 K with sunnylife ND...
Whenever I launch a quickshot (eg. Dronie), once the Mini completes the shot, it just stays where it is and does not return to its original position. Is this normal??
My name is Nomi and I recently acquired a DJI Mavic Mini.
It is a used drone. Worked fine when the guy was testing it for me.
But when i got it home n flew it, the gimbal wont move and it shows me error code 40011. I can fly the drone properly without problems, but cant move the gimbal...
I'm clumsy and arguably an idiot, so I don't like fumbling with a $1300 phone when I want to fly my skycamera. Trying to chase down the supported devices on the DJI Fly play store uri is a mess when I also need to remember that I've subscribed to DroneLink and I've had a lot of fun learning...
Hello everybody ?
I recently bought a mavic mini after learning how to use a drone on my tello ( which is the funniest drone ever ?)
Before i fly it tomorrow, i updated it, recharged all the batteries , but i noticed something weird in one of the props, it seems damaged even though the drone is...
I bought a new Mavic mini and before attempting to fly it, I updated all the firmware to the latest one and I have the latest version of the app, everything looked good except it had a solid red light on the drone and wouldn’t start the propellers however the message says fly with caution, which...
Hello all,
I have recently purchased a Mavic Mini as my first drone and am trying to learn how to use it. For the most part, it is simple enough, but I am having some problems that I can not figure out...
When I fly, the drone and camera fly smooth and pictures work fine. Any time I try to...
Hello everyone! I just received my new Mavic Mini today and I’m currently setting it up to begin my drone experience with DJI! I’m pretty experienced with drones and I’ve flown multiple DJI drones but up until now I haven’t owned one myself. I’m not the best with photos or videos, but this’ll be...
Hi all,
New to the site and drones.
I treated my self to the mini just before Christmas. I’ve only had a few flights and today the fog was thick all day. So I thought I’d risk it and take it out and see if I could get up above the fog at sunset.
It’s not the worlds best footage which will be...