Interesting subject, aging and abandoned things are my favorite. Thanks for the image!
The area around the transition from I-80 to I-580 used to have many rotting pilings, don't know if they're still there but that location might be an interesting place from which to shoot.
I've recently taken to hovering over subjects (like graveyards) and shooting straight down. The rows can form interesting abstracts if they run on the diagonal. That diagonal also works to make the corners of the image harmonious with the whole.
And to think that you're only a few miles to the closest In & Out Burgers! (speaking jealously from Vermont). I used to love the burgers "animal style" although they were so sloppy that I tended to be wearing the food on my shirt. For those uninitiated with In & Out, Wikipedia defines animal style as...
"Animal Style" is one of the most popular "secret" styles; in addition to the standard toppings, Animal Style burgers include mustard fried onto each meat patty, pickles, grilled onions, and extra spread.
Absolutely a mess and just disgusting... I loved it!