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360 deg panorama problems


Sep 22, 2022
The 360 panoramas coming from the dji stitching software are always displaced as in the image below (please see the horizon line). Initially I thought this was because of strong(er) wind, but having recorded a good few dozens of panoramas under various condition with all of them having the artifacts as bad as presented below it seems something is wrong. I do not recall this sort of problems with mini 2. Perhaps something should be calibrated? I noticed in most of the photos/videos the horizon line is slightly tilted.

View attachment dji_fly_20240715_101554_0101_1721022443348_pano-lq.jpg
Yep, that's definitely weird behaviour. AND the place it goes most wrong (sea / sky horizon) is the area you'd most expect it to have least problems stitching ! Every single one of mine so far has come out with perfect seams (or imperceptibly close to it), but then again I have never found a vista with a perfectly straight horizon like that (haven't made it out to sea with mine yet !) so perhaps it does struggle with that more than I thought ?

I do suspect the wind though in a marine environment - there is usually quite a level of prevailing, directional wind, and then separate, more chaotic and turbulent stuff constantly changing as well as that, so it would be easy to see why a craft that is trying to precisely rotate and angle its camera might struggle to do that consistently. But then again, you say the Mini 2 did fine under the same circumstances.

I presume you have done a gimbal calibration on the ground recently ? No idea if it would make any difference under those windy conditions, but it would be the obvious thing to try first I guess...

Otherwise, next step would be to find a properly windless location and try one there.
The 360 panoramas coming from the dji stitching software are always displaced as in the image below (please see the horizon line). Initially I thought this was because of strong(er) wind, but having recorded a good few dozens of panoramas under various condition with all of them having the artifacts as bad as presented below it seems something is wrong. I do not recall this sort of problems with mini 2. Perhaps something should be calibrated? I noticed in most of the photos/videos the horizon line is slightly tilted.

View attachment 176427
I'm not seeing any overall tilt in the horizon. Gimble tilt is adjustable, but there's no indication that it's needed here.

I see similar discontinuities in panoramas I shoot with large expanses of water on the horizon. I'd have thought that the DJI algorithms would do a better job of handing such a simple and high contrast thing as the sky/water interface.

Screenshot 2024-07-23 101634.jpg
It seems to me that waves that move between shots introduce a huge number of variables for the stitch. Yet the waves, which are higher contrast than the horizon line, seem to have fewer errors than the horizon.

I would guess that the broken horizon is the result of the forced alignment of the waves, which would otherwise show more ghosting and misalignments.
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