Hello, I had succesfull used this method "Android in Bluestacks, installed Google Streetview from an older APK".I have some additional details since my previous post.
To upload to Google, my process has gotten a bit convoluted and it is unfortunate, but currently works.
Here is what I do -
1. get the 360 photo with GPS EXIF data - I could use the photo from the DJI software, but it does not embed the GPS metadata, so, I now stitch them with a Higin Command line script. This is still a work in process for me. If you wanted to use the GPS data from another photo in the pano set, you could do this on a desktop (win or mac) by copying the GPS data from one of the photos and injecting it into the exif data of the pano from the dji software. A bit of a pain, but it will work for the next step. If you use Hugin to stitch, it automagically includes the GPS data into the final image. I still have a bit of work to do on my Hugin command line script, but here is an example - Google Maps - much better image quality than the DJI stitching, but giant black hole above.
2. Setup an upload rig - Since my iphone StreetView stopped working entirely now, I found a work-around - Bluestacks Android Emulation on PC. I deployed a basic image of Android in Bluestacks, installed Google Streetview from an older APK that still works perfectly, then imported the 360 images from my pc, and published. This works great at this moment. It may fail when Google Discontinues streetview app, but hopefully the old version will keep working off the API's until something major changes. Fingers Crossed. from my post over on Reddit - "A guy over at Google Guides Connect forum said this "I went back to Google Street View (40449) I got the old version from https://apkpure.com/google-street-view/com.google.android.street/versions " This worked for me today, but may not in the future."
I just download 360 image from DJI Mini2 (with DJI flyapp) and uppload images to google.
Here is my two last uploads:
Google Maps
Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps.
Google Maps
Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps.
Thank you for very much this tips!!
Best regards