You are making this much more difficult that it is.
All you need is a simple dictionary definition like ...
past tense: constructed; past participle: constructed
To build or make (something, typically a building, road, or machine).
I disagree. There is ambiguity. Who is the builder? Does it /they have to be mortal humans?
How is "construct" used in FAA regulations? What is the direct relevance of that word to this matter? Structures are not necessarily constructed by mortal humans, according to how I've seen the term used while researching this, and the FAA has perhaps not seen fit to make it clear.
It doesn't matter who does the constructing, all that matters is that someone carried out construction.
A structure is something that has been constructed.
Do you think the FAA was indicating that you can fly 400 feet above a paragraph or a skeleton?
LOL. Geological forces construct. Is there a reason for a rock spire and radio tower to be considered qualitatively different for aviation safety purposes.
The skeleton point was to illustrate the wide range of meaning the word "structure" can have, and if a skeleton or paragraph is a structure, perhaps Ship Rock is also one, especially given the FAA's apparent reluctance to clearly tell us it ain't.
Now, if the FAA has made it clear and we somehow didn't catch it, my bad, but given that we're now this far into the thread and ain't nobody pasted the relevant lowdown straight outta Trigger's mouth, methinks that ain't the case.
You are being obtuse to the point of trolling.
Dang! Well, aren't you a dear?!?! I gotta confess, I kinda liked Saul's welcome and characterization a bit better. No. Like. Button. For. You. Exclamation. Point.
I can't recall anyone calling me obtuse in the 52 or so years of my life I can clearly recall. Therefore, no matter what else happens, I will always have a special connection with Meta4. You were my first
Trolling? Hardly. My posts are earnest, in good faith, and the issue was deemed "fascinating" by at least one other user. I find the obtuse and trolling claim outrageous, but, I'm not a very nervous person, see, so you do you, Sport.
Feel free to post a definitive answer, should you encounter such info.
It's clear that you can't (or won't).
Can't or won't WHAT? Ya feelin' OK out there, sir? Scanning upward, I can't find any text to which I can relate that utterance.
How about talking to the FAA and see if they can convince you of the obvious?
Heck, Hoss, howzabout I talk to 'em and see if'n I can convince them of the obvious, like how a clear answer to this matter should be in the books.
From my end, "obvious" don't cut it - it's at least somewhat subjective." I'm looking for explicit, documented regulation, and there most certainly should be one.
Feel better