Well-Known Member
I just watched a video from A.T.& T. about this phone. It states that the phone will take up to a 32 meg. Micro SD card. I have read some posts here that say they have used 64 & 128 gig. Which is correct?
I’m using a 128 gb card - no problems but I Wunder if it will write more than 32 gb? Hope XDP doesn’t tear me a new one for not carefully reading the specs - I was post #8 on the first page of this thread so hopefully that gives me some cred.
Flew 2 miles from my house today over a little county park with no people but definitely in a city. I also was getting the HD flashing. Flew a while until the video feed got pixelated. I’m sure it was just interference from surrounding houses. Went out on Sport full stop at 41 mph to 10,720 feet came back and hovered for a bit figuring out camera settings. Second week with the drone and Wunderphone, love them both. Landed with less than 10% battery - Wunderful after-work run!