OK, I was getting frustrated with the Controller charging the phone. To be fair, the XT2 draws very little power from the controller but still, I like to tweak 
This is the app that will allow us to disable USB charging
BUT, it requires root. so here is a little guide I whipped up below. Most if it is copy and pasted from other guides dotted around the net, I just wanted to bring them together into once place.
Required Files
Unlock the bootloader.
1. Geting the Bootloader Unlock Code: You need to get your bootloader unlock code. You can get this by going to https://emui.huawei.com/en/plugin.php?id=unlock and signing into your Huawei ID. If you dont have one, create one. Then, follow the instructions given to you by Huawei to get the code.
2. Enabling the Enable OEM Unlock Option: To enable this option, you must enable developer options. To do this, go to Settings>About Phone and tap the Build number until it says "You are now a Developer". back out of About Phone, and go to Developer options. turn on "Enable OEM unlock" and press Enable.
3. Enable USB Debugging: While you are still in Developer options, enable the option 'USB debugging" and press OK.
4. Booting Into the Bootloader: once you have completed the first three steps, you can now boot into the bootloader. Connect your phone to your computer, and open the Platform Tools folder you should have downloaded and extracted. Shift-Right click, and press "Open Command Window Here" or "Open Powershell Window Here", depending on your version of windows. Once it is open, make sure your device is detected by typing "adb devices". If it displays your device, you are good to continue. If not, something is not set up right on your computer or phone. Once you verified that your phone is detected, type
adb reboot bootloader
5. Unlocking the Bootloader: Once your phone has booted into the bootloader, you can now unlock the bootloader. YOUR PHONE WILL BE WIPED ONCE YOU TYPED THIS COMMAND. You can unlock it by typing
fastboot oem unlock <your bootloader unlock code>
Once it has finished, you can reboot your phone, and just run through the setup fast, because you will still have to wipe it again.
Root the phone
One last thing, never update your system using OTA as this could brick your phone!

This is the app that will allow us to disable USB charging
BUT, it requires root. so here is a little guide I whipped up below. Most if it is copy and pasted from other guides dotted around the net, I just wanted to bring them together into once place.
Required Files
- ADB Platform tools - https://dl.google.com/android/repository/platform-tools-latest-windows.zip
- Patched Boot - patched_boot.zip (25.91MB) - SendSpace.com
- TWRP - twrp-xt2.7z
- Magisk Manager - http://tiny.cc/latestmanager
Unlock the bootloader.
1. Geting the Bootloader Unlock Code: You need to get your bootloader unlock code. You can get this by going to https://emui.huawei.com/en/plugin.php?id=unlock and signing into your Huawei ID. If you dont have one, create one. Then, follow the instructions given to you by Huawei to get the code.
2. Enabling the Enable OEM Unlock Option: To enable this option, you must enable developer options. To do this, go to Settings>About Phone and tap the Build number until it says "You are now a Developer". back out of About Phone, and go to Developer options. turn on "Enable OEM unlock" and press Enable.
3. Enable USB Debugging: While you are still in Developer options, enable the option 'USB debugging" and press OK.
4. Booting Into the Bootloader: once you have completed the first three steps, you can now boot into the bootloader. Connect your phone to your computer, and open the Platform Tools folder you should have downloaded and extracted. Shift-Right click, and press "Open Command Window Here" or "Open Powershell Window Here", depending on your version of windows. Once it is open, make sure your device is detected by typing "adb devices". If it displays your device, you are good to continue. If not, something is not set up right on your computer or phone. Once you verified that your phone is detected, type
adb reboot bootloader
5. Unlocking the Bootloader: Once your phone has booted into the bootloader, you can now unlock the bootloader. YOUR PHONE WILL BE WIPED ONCE YOU TYPED THIS COMMAND. You can unlock it by typing
fastboot oem unlock <your bootloader unlock code>
Once it has finished, you can reboot your phone, and just run through the setup fast, because you will still have to wipe it again.
Root the phone
- Copy the patched_boot (make sure to unzip the file) to your sdcard.
- Reboot phone into fastboot using the ADB command
adb reboot bootloader - Flash TWRP into your recovery partition using this command. Make sure the
plug usb cable in (from phone to computer) and the recovery.img is in the same folder as adb
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img - Boot into TWRP. Turn off the phone. Then while unplugged, hold volume up then press power until tablet starts, keep holding volume up until twrp begins
- Tap "Keep Read Only" when TWRP starts.
- Tap "Install", then tap "Install Image" at the bottom. Browse (Up a Level) then "external_sd"
If you unzipped the patched_boot.zip you will see patched_boot.img here. Select it.
Select "boot" (uncheck "recovery") partition to flash.
Swipe to confirm Flash
Tap "Reboot" once it's completed. - You should be rooted!
- Install Magisk Manager. Without this, you won't be prompted to allow root!
One last thing, never update your system using OTA as this could brick your phone!
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