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A couple of questions


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2017
Manchester UK
first question, is it normal to get the gimbal vibration message, ive only flown the mavic twice and both times i had the message to start with and then it disappeared, after which it was fine, ive youtubed and checked the rubbers and the position of the plate and all is ok, i thought it may have been because i was flying into a strong wind ( on both flights).

next question, my first flight was late evening and it was going dark, i had a red signal on the app for the VPS, and the quad seemed to have an issue holding its height, it kinda bobbed up and down, I flew today in daylight and it didnt do it, does night flying affect the altitude hold in some way.

Last question (ive edited the orginal post) I tried the precise landing, my landing pad is a large board painted black with a big white H in the middle, the quad was happy to get within an inch in precision but then decided that the board wasnt suitable, I saw a youtuber using one of those bright orange round mats and he had the same issue, is there a correct type of surface the Mavic likes.

thanks for any answers

Crash1sttime as im known in the PPF.
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Check props for issues.
The web has videos of folks setting the Mavic on a hard surface the setting a cup of liquid onto the Mavic to show vibrations with the props running at idle speeds not taking off. (Then swapping props one by one till that ripple issue goes away in the cup of liquid)

No clue if it really works, would say if you have vibrations at idle it would be a real issue in flight.

I would hate for the liquid to pour of the Mavic!!!
Would hate to think its the props, they are the new Platinum ones that the seller added as a bonus
Regarding your other question:

next question, my first flight was late evening and it was going dark, i had a red signal on the app for the VPS, and the quad seemed to have an issue holding its height, it kinda bobbed up and down, I flew today in daylight and it didnt do it, does night flying affect the altitude hold in some way.

VPS does not work in the dark - and automatically turns itself off.
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Would hate to think its the props, they are the new Platinum ones that the seller added as a bonus
Are you running the latest version (v4.1.10) that has support for the new props?
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Make sure that the gimbal clamp is removed. VPS is not very good in low light.
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May not be the DJI props though. the DJI ones were just released, depending on where the your seller got those props, they maybe not the good ones. I know others have gotten those props off of -Bay and Ama-on, awhile ago, but no one have said anything good or bad about them. Buyer Beware.
Regarding your other question:
VPS does not work in the dark - and automatically turns itself off.

Yeah I figured that was the case, cant understand why though i thought it was an ultrasonic based system

Are you running the latest version (v4.1.10) that has support for the new props?

Ive just updated it to that version as it was still on the last version, I will try it again hopefully tomorrow

Make sure that the gimbal clamp is removed. VPS is not very good in the dark.

Yeah check gimbal clamp is off.

May not be the DJI props though. the DJI ones were just released, depending on where the your seller got those props, they maybe not the good ones. I know others have gotten those props off of -Bay and Ama-on, awhile ago, but no one have said anything good or bad about them. Buyer Beware.

They are the authentic ones, the seller is an approved dealer for DJi and a good friend who wouldnt sell me anything not original, out of curiosity why the censor on the 2 sites names, is it an automatic thing?
Yeah I figured that was the case, cant understand why though i thought it was an ultrasonic based system
The downward system uses both ultrasonic and vision. I believe the ultrasonic detects rough or uneven surfaces, while the vision system works from patterns on the ground. The higher the craft goes, the less effective the ultrasonic becomes.
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Exphantomflyer, i once mentioned a manufacturer by name once and said manufacturer came back at me for saying something negative about his product. So decided not to do it anymore.
Exphantomflyer, i once mentioned a manufacturer by name once and said manufacturer came back at me for saying something negative about his product. So decided not to do it anymore.
I see, well fair enough mate
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