Ha! I once tried to join our local model flying club, hoping to meet up with other people to fly my Phantom-1. They insisted on making me first pass their flight test, one of the things required being able to fly a square pattern.LOL, I remember back in the Phantom 1 days when this forum was brand new, I suggested pilots learn to fly patterns like circles, squares, ovals, etc. [...]
I guess they'd never seen a quadcopter before, because a square is dead simple. Straight forward, slide straight to the right, straight back, and slide straight to the left.
Oh, you mean the nose is supposed to be pointing in the direction it's flying?
Well, have you ever heard of "Course-Lock"? It can fly that same square pattern in straight lines, even with the drone spinning 360s in yaw all the way around the square. They'd never seen that before.
Of course, I would never have been able to do that manually.

See at 5:25 in this video.