I have flown Litchi Missions ever since I bought my first Phantom 3 Standard, and my drone has always returned even though the signal was often lost for a few moments.
I have flown Litchi missions with my Mavic, but only a few.
I made a nice 8 minute mission, loaded it on my tablet, and headed for my location.
I started the Mavic Pro as usual, tested the movements and tap to focus and got it in position before loading the mission.
The Mavic was directly above me and maybe a little behind me before I loaded the mission. As soon as I hit "go", the screen said signal loss. I had no video feed or satellite map--they were frozen.
This had never happened to me right from the start.
And off went my Mavic Pro.
After wrapping my head around the problem I decided to stop the mission while I could see the drone.
It seemed to stop. I tried bringing it back but convinced myself that it was out of my control.
And off it went out of sight.
I tried leaving the waypoints screen, changing to fpv, and back to waypoints. Still no signal.
No video.
No drone.
I finally checked the controller screen. Altitude was being adjusted and distance increasing. .And I recognized the heights as waypoints that I set, so the mission was being run.
The tablet which is a Nvidia K1 Shield still said no signal.
The Mavic went by me as it finished its last leg of the programmed flight.
When it finished and hovered above me. I easily brought it back down and landed.
But the tablet screen and Litchi had never recovered the signal.
I decided to start it back up and fly a short flight. Everything was back to normal and Litchi had a signal and video feed.
I wonder if when I first raised the Mavic above me that the controller momentarily lost the signal as the mission loaded. For some reason, Litchi loaded the mission then lost the signal.
Every time I have almost lost faith with Litchi, Litchi comes through!
P.S. If anyone is interested I can post the video which shows the mission being stopped by me, then reversing a bit, then Litchi continued on with the mission.