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I know it is cost-prohibitive for smalll drones now (as GPS was at one point), however conceptually what if ADS-B in and out were implemented at some point for small UAVs such as the Mavic, with received information displayed on the operator's console?

Traffic, weather and lots of other information.

Just an interesting thought, as most aircraft will be required to have ADS-B out by 2020 as part of NexGen.
There are active proposals for a 'special' ADS-B for drones, that spec a much lower power output than is presently required. It is being seriously considered for inclusion into our airspace ATC.

If you are serious about keeping up on what's coming, you could subscribe to newsletters like those from, or Center for the Study of the Drone <[email protected]>. They are not exclusively hobby related, but often what goes down for the big players, will affect our hobby. Good to keep informed.

The modelers ADS-B being just one issue of interest. I hope the software pilots use will have a non-flying ground based version (CHEAP) we can use. I don't want another hundreds dollar hit on my budget just to get a heads up on what is flying nearby, but would really like to have that info since the receivers can be made from inexpensive kits. (google stratux)

Have fun! Keep learning!
IMG_1818.JPG I'm working on it.

A Raspberry Pi Zero with a USB TV dongle and a piezo buzzer. Optionally with an epaper display. It beeps if it detects an aircraft below 2000 feet, or anything with an RAF or USAF hex code, or anything on a list which includes UK air amulances and police aircraft. Once I have ironed out a few more bugs I will make the code available to download and play with.
View attachment 15313 I'm working on it.

A Raspberry Pi Zero with a USB TV dongle and a piezo buzzer. Optionally with an epaper display. It beeps if it detects an aircraft below 2000 feet, or anything with an RAF or USAF hex code, or anything on a list which includes UK air amulances and police aircraft. Once I have ironed out a few more bugs I will make the code available to download and play with.
Great, I have found a good usage for my Raspberry Pi, I live in Brazil and sometimes is hard to find any hardware, can you give me a shopping list?
At this price range it should be mandatory for serious drone producers to include an ADS-B receiver in any aircraft.
By the time this happens the "hobby" is done.
NO! NO! We will go underground with covert drones not bought from big brother DJI stealth drones maybe with feathers stuck on in a cunning disguise with claw landing gear even hej jej!
I picked up on of Nooelec's NSSDR Nano 2 receivers for less than $20.00.
Plugs right into my phone phone and with an app I get a map a lot like FlightRadar24.
I can see most of the aircraft in the area.
The weather part has yet to work as I do not have line of site to a ground station.
I understand also that you need ads-b out to request weather info but if a local aircraft requests it you should be able to receive it too.
I try to have it with me every time I fly.
I picked up on of Nooelec's NSSDR Nano 2 receivers for less than $20.00.
Plugs right into my phone phone and with an app I get a map a lot like FlightRadar24.
I can see most of the aircraft in the area.
The weather part has yet to work as I do not have line of site to a ground station.
I understand also that you need ads-b out to request weather info but if a local aircraft requests it you should be able to receive it too.
I try to have it with me every time I fly.
UAT is on a different frequency. And it would be crowded with weather and traffic and lots more.

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