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Advices you would give yourself from today's perspective


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2018
So as I start my adventure with Mavic Pro (it's not my first drone just to make things clear) I found this forum and I realized how many experienced pilots are here. So, my question: basing on your experience - what advice would you give to younger version of yourself? What are some tricks/important things you wish you have known before? Share them with us!
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Welcome to the forum. I'm still learning but the #1 thing I'd recommend is learning to fly without DJI GO 4. Put up the drone fly it away and figure out where it is. (In a wide open spot, of course) And then bring it back. #2 Put yourself in a panic inducing situation. What I do is put my MP up about 250' and then try to bring it back to my exact take-off point (a 30" plastic disk) with full down stick and wait until landing protection kicks in. I always find I freak out and let go of the sticks about 8 feet off the ground but I'm still working on it. #3 Learn to fly slow and smooth (which is harder than I thought it would be). All your best video is going to come from really smooth, slow movements even cinematic and tripod mode need skilled input to make them work like they're advertised to.

Enjoy your drone!
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..... I'm still learning but the #1 thing I'd recommend is learning to fly without DJI GO 4.
Enjoy your drone!


I've only flown my MP about 8 times now. I always use the RC for the controls. (It comes from my years of R/C flying). :)

You never know, if/when the app may crash.
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the #1 thing I'd recommend is learning to fly without DJI GO 4. Put up the drone fly it away and figure out where it is. (In a wide open spot, of course) And then bring it back.

That's a great idea. I'm going to take a piece of paper with some tape so I can cover my phone and fly just looking at the RC. I'll practice bringing it back using just the distance and height info.
That's a great idea. I'm going to take a piece of paper with some tape so I can cover my phone and fly just looking at the RC. I'll practice bringing it back using just the distance and height info.

You don't even need a phone attached. Start out with it very close to you so you can get an idea of what it looks like up in the air and which way it's facing. Then move further and further away.
You don't even need a phone attached. Start out with it very close to you so you can get an idea of what it looks like up in the air and which way it's facing. Then move further and further away.

Right. But I'll have it attached just in case.
If you feel your losing control or its doing something you dont want or may damage it, use the pause button, take stock of the situation, then carry on :)
I would and do try and tell myself these things now, though I am still new.
Where am I flying? I mean, exactly. Do I see any obstacles? Is there any canopy or overhangs in my flight area, if so, is it wise to switch RTH to Hover? Where am I flying? I mean, exactly. Assume my mavic is gonna fall out of the sky, what would happen? (am I over crowds, freeways on my flight) if so, minimize time over those things if possible. What shot do I want? How do I want to acquire that shot? Is it the safest way? Where am I flying? I mean, exactly.
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1. Never take-off until you have a steady GPS lock; if you don't know what this is or how to check, then RTFM and watch a lot more videos before you even attempt to take-off.

2. I always check that my compass and my IMU readings are both in the green before every flight - it just takes a second. This could eliminate about 1/2 the crashes you read about on this board.

3. Never fly indoors.

4. Always look UP before you launch (for overhanging branches, etc.)

5. Don't stand near trees or poles/lines while launching or landing. (You don't want your Home spot to have obstacles.)

6. Never underestimate the stopping distance when in Sport Mode.

7. Never underestimate the power of the wind at high altitudes (especially when near the ocean). Plan your battery-life accordingly.

8. Always have your drone within VLS by the time you get down to 25% battery.

9. Never rely on the Obstacle Avoidance sensors to keep you from crashing. They're called "Obstacle Avoidance", not "Collision Prevention". They can help some of the time under the right conditions.

10. Try to avoid ever having to use DJI Customer Support - there is a 90% chance you will be totally disappointed.

Don't let any horror stories on this (or any) forum scare you out of having fun.
Remember, it's THE INTERNET.... the place that taught us that the earth is flat and Bill Gates wants to give you money.
Any experienced pilot on this board will tell you that 95% of the "fly-aways" or crashes are pilot error, and totally avoidable.

I've enjoyed the H*LL out of my mavic for the past year. It's behaved 100% predictably in 300+ flights. I always use the latest firmware and software. I only take calculated risks, but fly fast and have a blast. I've only crashed once (on my first day, 1 year ago) - totally my fault.... too fast, too soon. I've never had an issue with any No Fly Zones unless I'm near an airport - right where they're supposed to be.

I live in a major metropolitan area and I never have a hard time finding a place to fly. I've never had anyone harass me or threaten me. I've met a lot of nice people and ignored a few butt-holes.

I love the DJI goggles and for me they work exactly as advertised. I use them on about every other flight.

Be nice to the people on this forum and it's like having free technical support - 24/7 from people who actually know what they're talking about.

Thank you for flying DJI Airlines.
Other than watching MANY youtube videos on the Mavic Pro and reading the manual, fly in a mature manner. Be prepared to have more problems if you aren't thorough and act recklessly. TAKE YOUR TIME!!!

1. Never take-off until you have a steady GPS lock; if you don't know what this is or how to check, then RTFM and watch a lot more videos before you even attempt to take-off.

2. I always check that my compass and my IMU readings are both in the green before every flight - it just takes a second. This could eliminate about 1/2 the crashes you read about on this board.

3. Never fly indoors.

4. Always look UP before you launch (for overhanging branches, etc.)

5. Don't stand near trees or poles/lines while launching or landing. (You don't want your Home spot to have obstacles.)

6. Never underestimate the stopping distance when in Sport Mode.

7. Never underestimate the power of the wind at high altitudes (especially when near the ocean). Plan your battery-life accordingly.

8. Always have your drone within VLS by the time you get down to 25% battery.

9. Never rely on the Obstacle Avoidance sensors to keep you from crashing. They're called "Obstacle Avoidance", not "Collision Prevention". They can help some of the time under the right conditions.

10. Try to avoid ever having to use DJI Customer Support - there is a 90% chance you will be totally disappointed.

Don't let any horror stories on this (or any) forum scare you out of having fun.
Remember, it's THE INTERNET.... the place that taught us that the earth is flat and Bill Gates wants to give you money.
Any experienced pilot on this board will tell you that 95% of the "fly-aways" or crashes are pilot error, and totally avoidable.

I've enjoyed the H*LL out of my mavic for the past year. It's behaved 100% predictably in 300+ flights. I always use the latest firmware and software. I only take calculated risks, but fly fast and have a blast. I've only crashed once (on my first day, 1 year ago) - totally my fault.... too fast, too soon. I've never had an issue with any No Fly Zones unless I'm near an airport - right where they're supposed to be.

I live in a major metropolitan area and I never have a hard time finding a place to fly. I've never had anyone harass me or threaten me. I've met a lot of nice people and ignored a few butt-holes.

I love the DJI goggles and for me they work exactly as advertised. I use them on about every other flight.

Be nice to the people on this forum and it's like having free technical support - 24/7 from people who actually know what they're talking about.

Thank you for flying DJI Airlines.
10 very good points.
I would add,
try to plan your flight to go out into the wind.
any RTH initiated will be helped by a tail wind coming home
Last edited:
So as I start my adventure with Mavic Pro (it's not my first drone just to make things clear) I found this forum and I realized how many experienced pilots are here. So, my question: basing on your experience - what advice would you give to younger version of yourself? What are some tricks/important things you wish you have known before? Share them with us!

Don’t tie a Lotus cookie in a sandwich bag to the front-right motor arm.

Don’t fly without gps.(>10)
Oh, that's interesting, could you share your story?
I was going to replace a set of props and decided I’d save $10 dollars or so with some 3rd parties ones. Long storie short I flipped into sport mode at around 75’ AGL and two of the props came apart at the rivers where blades fold. The crash ripped the gimbal out and cracked the main body in several places. I guess the moral is “spend an extra $10 and save yourself $400”. -CF
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Get personal property insurance. It will free your mind(and unclench your butthole) for $60/year or so.

Use common sense before flying and while flying(it’s not as easy for some)

Fly the damned drone and have fun!
O, and a pre flight checklist is a good idea too, check that props are correctly seated and not damaged. Check the status of things like the IMU, compass, OA sensors, etc on the GO app. Basic things like that can save your Mavic lots of trauma.-CF
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