Difference? Slight at best, Camera is largest advance though performance is less than a
MA2. No real need to upgrade if the
Mavic Air 2 if already at hand, IMO. Of course if your keeping up with the Jones'.
Air 2S, as I understand it, is a camera upgrade. The
Air 2S is no longer designated as "Mavic", simply DJI
Air 2S.
Am I mistaken. Why the change? Simple a Goof? Looks, smells, behaves mostly like a
Mavic Air 2; why drop the Mavic designation?
BTW, I like DronkLink for its waypoint capabilities, over Litchi. After-all, Litchi cant get it up and working.
Hi all,
Relative newbie to droning here, but have been a commercial photographer for 34 years so have some experience in this area
I had never used a drone up until a year ago when the
MA2 was released, I now have 2 of them ( allowing for one in use while the other is 'potentially' getting repaired )

and have done over 1000kms flying with them so far
I have just purchased a
MA2S and took the time to note the differences when setting up
Point 1 - As I already had 2x
MA2 drones, this was my 3rd controller and I figured I wouldn't need it due to owning a
smart controller so was intending to sell it
Therefore....... I never even tried to set up the drone using the supplied controller ( wanting to leave it in a 'mint' unused condition ). I then ended up spending 2 days trying unsuccessfully to pair my new drone to the
smart controller, all in vain
After a LOT of research, I discovered the drone is initially 'locked' and is pre-paired to the supplied controller so MUST be initially set up using this ( happy to be proved wrong here ). Anyway, got it activated and set up and was then able to get it paired to the
smart controller....
Now to the new features NOT mentioned in any of the above posts.......
As I have never used any drones EXCEPT for the
MA2, I'm not sure what of these features are available on other drones, I just know that the
MA2 DOES NOT have these features......
New Feature 1 :- Manual Focus
MA2 was a fixed focus camera whereas the
MA2S has adjustable focus ( via a slider on the screen ) along with a macro setting
New Feature 2 :- Focus Peaking
For those of you used to using the Sony camera systems ( A or E mount ) focus peaking will be a welcome addition
For those of you that don't know what Focus Peaking is, it's when the camera adds a coloured outline around sharp edges in the photo, but only in the area in focus, allowing extremely easy manual focusing
New Feature 3 ;- New Still Photo Ratios
MA2 has the options of 4:3 or 16:9 ratios when shooting stills
MA2S has the options of 3:2 or 16:9 ( But not 4:3 )
The 3:2 is a welcome addition to those of us combining our drone stills with conventional DSLR stills, keeping all the images the same shape ! ! !
I'm sure there are heaps of other features but these are the ones I've discovered that I didn't read as covered in the posts above
As for flying, work has been busy so tomorrow will be my first day flying with it, heading to Queenstown NZ ( Google it ) so will be capturing some footage along the way
Have a great weekend everyone, hope my insights prove useful to some......
Cheers, Stu