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Air 2S with DJI Smart Controller

I was discussing the A2s as well for my statement about the controller being Ocusync 2.

The Air 2S uses the exact controller as the Air 2. They both have 2 antennas. The drone itself has 4 antennas.
I saw this on a different forum. Please see the attached pictures, discussion with a pilot & DJI rep.
I guess I’ll reach out to DJI myself to see what’s what. Thanks for the info.


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The DJI support agents are worthless for things like this, but feel free to see what they say.
It is the same exact model number with the same exact markings. DJI would have differentiated it if it was actually different. Plus, from the actual Air 2S manual:

For me, I had to use the supplied controller and phone first. Update the S2 and then it would sync and bind with the SC. I couldn't get the SC to link without that step.
If you update the controller and then the drone using the DJI Assistant that is made for the Air 2S it will link without the supplied controller step.
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I was thinking of buying an Air2S and a smart controller separatel. I presently have a MINI and I’m thinking of upgrading to the Air2S. I have been using my iPad Air with my Mini but the contrast on the iPad and picture is hard to see in the sunlight. I’m worried that I’m buying “yesterday’s technology” if I buy the smart controller. DJI upgrades constantly. Any suggestions? I love my Mini. Thanks as always for the great advice.
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It's hard to predict what DJI will do. I came to the Air 2S from the Pro Platinum. It was a significant step up. I also bought the Smart Controller for the Air 2S. I like it a lot. The screen is much brighter than my iPhone 12 Pro max, which is pretty bright on its own. I live in Arizona, so our bright sun can still make the SC screen dim at certain times of the day. I normally fly late in the day for golden time so the screen is just fine. You can also get some 3rd party hoods but I'm not feeling the need.

You have a classic dilemma. Wait, or buy something else later. a new SC could be a month or a year way. Or never appear. My choice was to get the improvement now. But everyone will weight that decision differently. I have no regrets. I love the build quality. I love not having to jam my large iPhone into the standard controller, and not having to fool with the lightning connection cable.

Again, no regrets. I can always sell my Smart Controller if something better comes along, but it sure meets my needs right now. Hope the helps.
I was thinking of buying an Air2S and a smart controller separatel. I presently have a MINI and I’m thinking of upgrading to the Air2S. I have been using my iPad Air with my Mini but the contrast on the iPad and picture is hard to see in the sunlight. I’m worried that I’m buying “yesterday’s technology” if I buy the smart controller. DJI upgrades constantly. Any suggestions? I love my Mini. Thanks as always for the great advice.
I would go for the A2S and the smart controller if you can afford it, it’s a great set up.

If you want to save some money maybe consider an Air/2 and smart controller, it’s a great drone & works great with the SC. I own an Air2 as well.

I’ve been using the smart controller for over a year and it’s well worth it, it just simplifies everything, turn it on & go, excellent brightness & so much more.
Why wait, go for it, you can always sell and upgrade if something new comes out.
The screen is much brighter than my iPhone 12 Pro max, which is pretty bright on its own.
How is the performance vs the 12 Pro Max? I'm talking frame rate of the downlink. Back in the day, Android devices always provided a worse frame rate with the DJI apps than iOS stuff.
I'm seriously considering the SC but am concerned about performance.
It's hard to predict what DJI will do. I came to the Air 2S from the Pro Platinum. It was a significant step up. I also bought the Smart Controller for the Air 2S. I like it a lot. The screen is much brighter than my iPhone 12 Pro max, which is pretty bright on its own. I live in Arizona, so our bright sun can still make the SC screen dim at certain times of the day. I normally fly ate in the day for golden time so the screen is just fine. You can also get some 3rd party hoods but I'm not feeling the need.

You have a classic dilemma. Wait, or buy something else later. a new SC could be a month or a year way. Or never. My choice was to get the improvement now. But everyone will weight that decision differently. I have no regrets. I love the build quality. I love not having to jam my large iPhone into the standard controller, and not having to fool with the lightning connection cable.

Again, no regrets. I can always sell my Smart Controller if something better comes along, but it sure meets my needs right now. Hope this helps.
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How is the performance vs the 12 Pro Max? I'm talking frame rate of the downlink. Back in the day, Android devices always provided a worse frame rate with the DJI apps than iOS stuff.
I'm seriously considering the SC but am concerned about performance.
It looks normal to me.. haven't seen breakup or skipped frames.... so it's a good solution... but I've moved to the Smart Controller which I like more for screen size and brightness.
It looks normal to me.. haven't seen breakup or skipped frames.... so it's a good solution... but I've moved to the Smart Controller which I like more for screen size and brightness.

Yes, that is what I was asking about. I use a 12 Pro Max at the moment and was wondering how the performance of the smart controller compares.

Yes, that is what I was asking about. I use a 12 Pro Max at the moment and was wondering how the performance of the smart controller compares.
From reports I hear the Smart Controller doesn't have quite the range of the DJI included controller. But if you are staying within the visual rules it's not a problem... I think the use case for the SC is bigger screen, ease of use and build quality. If you are staying in visual LOS you are not giving up anything and gaining brightness, size and ease of use.
Just seen it doesn't work with Mini 2. Was about to pull the trigger too. Oh well, I liked the idea of one controller to rule them all. I guess it's not to be though.
I'm pretty new here. I just got my first DJI, the Air 2S. I also bought the smart controller. I had a chat with DJI online support and I was told that the SC would have a lower range than the stock controller that came with the A2s. So I set up a return for the SC. Support specifically said that using the SC would lower range and transmission rate to Occusync 2.0 where the stock controller uses Occusync 3. Now I see posts saying the stock controller also uses Occusync 2. Has anyone confirmed this? This contradicts what I was told by support.
I'm pretty new here. I just got my first DJI, the Air 2S. I also bought the smart controller. I had a chat with DJI online support and I was told that the SC would have a lower range than the stock controller that came with the A2s. So I set up a return for the SC. Support specifically said that using the SC would lower range and transmission rate to Occusync 2.0 where the stock controller uses Occusync 3. Now I see posts saying the stock controller also uses Occusync 2. Has anyone confirmed this? This contradicts what I was told by support.

It can't be said enough....those support people are worthless when it comes to technical details and questions. Actually, less than worthless because instead of saying "I don't know" they seem to make things up.

Two important facts for you:
1 - The stock controller is Ocusync 2.0. Documented by DJI and is the same controller used by the Air 2 and Mini 2 before O3 even was a "thing". Unless DJI's documentation is wrong (which is possible, but less likely than the support agent), this should be true.

2 - People have been getting less range with the Smart Controller. That's not an Ocusync 2 versus 3 thing. It happened with the Air 2 as well, which is all 2.0.

So, no the version of Ocusync is not different, but yes it is entirely possible your will lose some range. If that range loss is significant enough for you to care about, only you can answer.
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So when both available controllers (stock, SC) for the Air 2s only support Ocusync 2 what is Ocusync 3 needed for at the moment?

The drone itself has extra antennas. Perhaps (just a guess) better algorithms. I think I've posted this in half the threads in this forum already, but one more time----from the manual:

I currently have a M2 Pro with the Smart Controller (SC). It is said that the Air 2S can be used with the SC too.
1. The SC has Occusync 2 and the Air 2S has Occusync 3. Are those compatible ie can you fly the Air 2S without any problems with the SC ?
2. Air 2 S requires the DJI Fly App. I have the DJI GO4 app installed on the SC for the M2P. Can you install both apps besides one another on the SC ?
3. At first flight you will have to "link" the Air 2S to the SC . After flying the Air 2S and wanting to fly then the M2P, do I have to go through the linking process again for my M2P or can the SC be linked to several drones without having to re-link every time ?

Looking for an expert to answer my questions. ;)
My Smart Controller has lag issues with the Air2S. I just bought it with my Air2s last week! I am getting a refund for the SC. I know DJI is going to make an Ocusync 3 (O3) Smart Controller soon. I will save my cash for that.

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