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Anonymous DJI Registration


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2017
I searched the forums but didn't find any info on this, which surprised me a bit. For those of you paranoid about DJI having specific information on you personally (or tracking your activities) or having to "register" your bird with them before you fly, you should know that it is not necessary to provide them with any relevant or confirmed information during the registration process. I have two MPs (purchased through 3rd party retailers so DJI cannot even connect the MP serials to me) and have "registered" them with DJI with incorrect/anonymous information, that they have no way to confirm. The only thing that is necessary to technically confirm with DJI during the registration process is the email address, and this can be a temporary email address or a "burner" email address, as all that is necessary is a one-time click of a confirmation email. The same goes for the account through DJI Assistant. There's no need to provide a credit card info (I'm looking at you iTunes) and you can anonymize all other info to them without issue.

I have rolled back firmware on both birds (actually one was simply never updated - thanks to older stock models provided by the 3rd party retailer), so they can't require registration of me into the future. So in essence, as far as DJI is concerned, I have an anonymous craft that they have no way to trace to me or track my activities. Given that the US DOD is suggesting that servicepersons stop using DJI craft for their ability to track activities (this can all be stopped by using the craft and keeping it in an offline mode), those that are paranoid or prudent can fly their MP without intervention or tracking by DJI.

This is obviously not for everyone or (possibly) those with DJI Refresh (some people don't worry about what information is out there about them or who has access to it) but if you're purchasing a new Mavic and wish to keep your information private or out of the hands of a foreign government/private company, the process is not impractical to do so. FYI - This may prohibit you from making a warranty claim with your Mavic but I'm not sure they're looking to that info (your "registration") when verifying a warranty claim that mandates the provision of other information (purchase receipt, etc.). I have never needed warranty service on any DJI product (not sure I want to go through that process anyway), so I can't verify that. Your mileage may vary.
I can see many reasons to remain anonymous, particularly if you want to fly naughty missions to get the killer footage or if there is an element of risk in a flight that could lead to injury and you don't want to be tracked down and sued. Then again, you might just be a very private person that values privacy but you also leave yourself open to thought crimes.... eg, "What misdeeds are you planning" or "Are you a potential terrorist"... ?
Anonymity can be a double edged sword.
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Anonymity from a Chinese company that has already acknowledged that they have allowed 3rd party plugins to their app collect and share user data without the knowledge of that user (DJI update removes plugins that shared user data without their knowledge) is not like going on the Dark Web. This is simply desiring privacy and not sharing your details and information with a foreign company that is under no obligation to protect your privacy or data now or into the future.
I searched the forums but didn't find any info on this, which surprised me a bit. For those of you paranoid about DJI having specific information on you personally (or tracking your activities) or having to "register" your bird with them before you fly, you should know that it is not necessary to provide them with any relevant or confirmed information during the registration process.

At first you forget one important thing... YOUR IP Address...:)
At second. Thanks for the "paranoid" people you are adressing. But on my side I feel nothing paranoid for not willing that a toy records all kinds of info regarding me. You and I have the great luck to live in free democratic countries. I do not believe that I will one day be a North Corean citizen.;)

Besides that, thanks for the info that I already had in mind.


-= Guy =-
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The information I provide DJI is available on the 'ether' from countless other public sources. I don't care. If I cared, I wouldn't have such a prolific public profile in the first place. I'm all for an easy life.

I'm familiar with that. It's not a way of tracking your activities from afar. It simply intercepts the signal between the AC and RC and relays that information to the user of the Aeroscope equipment. You must also physically have the equipment there and turned on to see what's going on. It doesn't tell you what person is operating which drone. Only where a specific drone is and where its controller is located. This might be useful for airports or law enforcement but not most folks. Think of it like a police band radio scanner.

What I'm referring to is the collection of personal information and data gathered by a private company in a foreign country (a country, mind you, not well known for their respect of personal rights or data security or intellectual property) from a great distance without your knowledge or understanding. If you wish to entrust them with your private data and allow them to connect it directly to you, then there's no issue. However, there are many people that do not feel comfortable with this (including the US Department of Defense) and this is a way to subvert some of the voluntary divulging of private information for those users.
What I do with my drone is my responsibility; if I make a mistake or do something illegal or unsafe, I will accept that responsibility together with whatever consequences might arise. No court finding, log, witness statement, YouTube troll would ever 'hurt' me more than my own sense of responsibility. I don't care what other people capture. My only concern would be somebody else, some other person without my conscientiousness pretending to be me; identity theft. I would choose to protect myself against such possibilities.
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