I have a Magic Air with the latest updates to two weeks ago. I've not had any problems till two weeks ago. I was flying and having no problems when suddenly I had a disconnect. I was close enough to see the ma clearly and it just took off over the ocean. I tried hitting the return to home button and I got nothing. It flew out of sight. I ran up a small hill but still no connection. I was shattered. A few minutes later I heard the ma and saw it was returning. It had taken off with precision take off engaged. As the ma came back I never got a reconnect nor did any stick response work. It came down to about a Meyer above the ground and just hovered. It was several metres away from take off area. It just hovered for a bit and did not land. I hand grabbed the ma and turned it sides ways as seen before and the motors stopped. After reviewing data on the phone nothing looks wrong in my novice eyes. Is there a black box of data on the drone itself of the last flight? I reviewed the video taken and it is interesting as the drone doesn't spin out if control but makes a series of turns and eventually when I assume the battery is to low it returns. Thankfully. I'm worried about flying again. I'm on holiday in Norway which is a long way from Australia. Any ideas if there is an internal data log?