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Anyone Been Struck By The Blades?


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2018
Has anyone been struck by the propellor blades? Tell us your story/ injuries.

I hand catch sometimes and always wondered how bad an injury you would get from accidentally touching the blades. Hand catching brings the blades dangerously close to your face as well.
Anyway, this is not to debate safety. Just tell your story.
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Stitches come to mind. High speed spinning plastic knife blades are gonna cut ya bad. Google up some images, they are not pretty. There is a small child in the UK that has one less eye due to props. Don't underestimate them.
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Has anyone been struck by the propellor blades? Tell us your story/ injuries.

I hand catch sometimes and always wondered how bad an injury you would get from accidentally touching the blades. Hand catching brings the blades dangerously close to your face as well.
Anyway, this is not to debate safety. Just tell your story.
Happen to me only once. No blood just minor bruise on the hand. I was flying indoor it got dangerous close to the lamp. It was flying low. I grab it from the top to stop it crashing into the lamp. It was painful and then feel numb shortly afterward.
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Has anyone been struck by the propellor blades? Tell us your story/ injuries.

I hand catch sometimes and always wondered how bad an injury you would get from accidentally touching the blades. Hand catching brings the blades dangerously close to your face as well.
Anyway, this is not to debate safety. Just tell your story.
Here's a good thread on the subject.
Yep a dozen or more times now. It took me quite a while to perfect hand launching and catching from a kayak.
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Happened to me. It was 13 degrees Fahrenheit out and I was demonstrating the drone. My index finger came into contact with the blade while it hovered. The skin wasn't broken, but the veins underneath were and I bled under my skin. Also since it was cold out, the pain was amplified and lasted 4 times longer than usual. Fun stuff.
Hey look at famous singer Enrique Iglesias got cut up ..under estimated the drone blades
I got my pinky finger whacked doing a hand-catch. It hurt, no blood no big deal.
The stock props of the mavic are quite flexible (low noise props even more so) and will probably not cause a major injury unless they come in contact with your eyes, face, or any body part of a young child. However, many pilots are fond of carbon fiber props (they do look cool) which are hard as glass and will cut through tissue and nerves with ease and may cause permanent damage. The stock props are flexible and break quite easily so the total energy of an impact (after flexing and breaking) is minimised, which saves you from getting seriously hurt but also saves the motors a much as possible.

The size of drone matters as well of course. An Inspire1/2 will do a lot more damage than a mavic. The already mentioned Enrique Inglesias was seriously injured and nearly lost part of his hand while playing with an Inspire1 on stage in front of his audience.
keep yer fingers outta the way,.... i let it land/take oaf, in my open flat palm. NO grabby hands grabbing all they can! (until blades have stopped)
Yes, and no. I’ve been struck by the blades from a remote control airplane propeller. I ended up with 48 stitches around the base of the thumb, and a few on my thumb. It was a terrible accident with a lack of judgement on my part. But I’m scared of my Mavic Pro blades now... haha. This is happened like 8 weeks ago.
I hope I never find out. I do hand landings all the time, I find them a lot easier when I grab the MPP from the rear.
I hit a finger on a hand catch of MA. No blood, no bruising but a bit of pain for a couple of minutes. No big deal.
That's why I never ever catch my drones with my hand. I always have one of these plastic on the floor for my drones to descent on. They never get dusty or scratches.
That's why I never ever catch my drones with my hand. I always have one of these plastic on the floor for my drones to descent on. They never get dusty or scratches.

I’ve hand caught many many times without incident and the fact that the one time I did hit a finger it was less painful than many other things (hammer, door, jam playing basketball) were much more painful and damaging than the one strike, I’ll continue hand catching. I hate carrying more than I need.
When I bought my Mavic and was completing setup I accidently launched my drone from the counter and was headed for the ceiling. I did prevent damage to the drone by grabbing in mid air and suffered several small cuts to my fingers. I was surprised that I didn't have deeper cuts, but only minor injuries with very little blood.
I've hit the back of my hand with them and no damage but that was with the Mavic Pro props that fold if they were solid blades it mite cut you a bit I'm sure
Yes I have, sliced open pinkie finger I thought I was going to have to get stiches, also put a gash in knee, I just got the Mavic Pro that night and was trying to fly i house
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