Well-Known Member
I signed up for King’s Schools Ground School and liked it. I think regulations change too much to rely on a book you really need an online source that keeps up to date.which book is best for learning to pass part 107?
Part 107 Drone Ground School & Test Prep
Looking for drone pilot ground school? Guaranteed to pass your Part 107 test, or your money back.
I like this one because you can either watch the videos or read the material. it’s $130 but it’s for a lifetime membership and so I can reuse it for my recurrent tests every two years.
They also have a free randomly generated practice test and you can choose the number of questions you want so if you don’t have enough time to do an full test you can do like a 10 or 20 question test instead. It’s free so you don’t have to sign up to use this resource.
Free FAA Drone Pilot Test by King Schools
The FAA gives you 120 minutes to complete 60 questions on your actual test on: Loading and Performance, Airspace, Weather Minimums and Charts, Operations and Procedures, Weather, Risk Management, Regulations