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are the days of the drone coming to an end

And that's exactly why the hobbyist is getting the shaft.

How does that article equate to anything hobby related? The growth in the drone industry crosses hobby and commercial.
It seems to me that the commercial interests are doing their best to limit hobbyists that's how,

Can you give examples?

As someone who is HEAVILY (and I mean HEAVILY) involved in all sort of things when it comes to the FAA and the Commercial Drone Industry in the US, I can think of no "commercial interests" that are doing anything of the sort.

As a matter of fact, most of us fight for hobbyist rights because we are also hobbyists. I don't fly fixed wing r/c, but I have a few indoor and outdoor racing drones. To verify my claim, all you have to do is read of few of the latest NPRM comments, and compare what hobbyists say about commercial operators, and what commercial operators say about hobbyists.

If anything, it's the hobbyists (not all obviously) who don't like the commercial drone folk.
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Can you give examples?

As someone who is HEAVILY (and I mean HEAVILY) involved in all sort of things when it comes to the FAA and the Commercial Drone Industry in the US, I can think of no "commercial interests" that are doing anything of the sort.

As a matter of fact, most of us fight for hobbyist rights because we are also hobbyists. I don't fly fixed wing r/c, but I have a few indoor and outdoor racing drones. To verify my claim, all you have to do is read of few of the latest NPRM comments, and compare what hobbyists say about commercial operators, and what commercial operators say about hobbyists.

If anything, it's the hobbyists (not all obviously) who don't like the commercial drone folk.
How about lobbyists for big companies like AMAZON...not so much the commercial side like real estate, power line inspection, surveying, etc
AMAZON is not a friend to any part of the UAS industry when it comes to airspace.

But your original post said "that the commercial interests are doing their best to limit hobbyists", and that is patently incorrect. A very small part of it (AMAZON, WING, etc.) are trying to limit ALL aspects of the NAS, whether hobbyist or commercial.

You can use a broad brush to paint an entire aspect of industry. It dilutes your point.
Look I realize that commercial interests, mainly drone delivery, could be big but that's what's really driving this wave.
And to do that you need to clean things up. And that means limiting non commercial flights.
"who don't like the commercial drone folk." Because what I have stated is their (mostly correct) perception.
The big corps are going to co opt it all.
You can try and make it sound "folksey" but it's really about a big money grab for google, amazon and the like.
You can put up a show of fighting for the little guy, but that all it is - a show - and in the end the money will win.
Only if you watch that crap movie 'THE DRONE' that movie is enough to put any undecided people on to the ban all drones club. Anybody else seen it
Only if you watch that crap movie 'THE DRONE' that movie is enough to put any undecided people on to the ban all drones club. Anybody else seen it

If someone uses something like that movie to base their opinions of drones, they're dumber than a sack of rocks.
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Look I realize that commercial interests, mainly drone delivery, could be big but that's what's really driving this wave.
And to do that you need to clean things up. And that means limiting non commercial flights.
"who don't like the commercial drone folk." Because what I have stated is their (mostly correct) perception.
The big corps are going to co opt it all.
You can try and make it sound "folksey" but it's really about a big money grab for google, amazon and the like.
You can put up a show of fighting for the little guy, but that all it is - a show - and in the end the money will win.

You and I have a fundamental difference of opinion when it comes to how the FAA and DOT operate. Only time will tell who is right.
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I heard SIP folks are flying to get their med pot without leaving home. I use mine to check & see if I'm not alone on the planet.

But seriously, we're allowed to travel by foot, bike, horse here. I got to remote locations & and enjoy my M2P more than ever. But I ONLY fly for landscape photos/video.
You and I have a fundamental difference of opinion when it comes to how the FAA and DOT operate. Only time will tell who is right.

FAA is controlled by laws made by congress. Congress is controlled by lobbyists. Who do they work for?
I don't think that is any kind of "conspiracy theory" that's just how it works.
Maybe those thoughts have been influenced by the official 'Board of Pessimists'.
Nothing about UAVs seems boring to me, even in this period of severe pandemic measures! Had a lot of relaxing enjoyment practicing taking off from a fairly confined 2m x 1.8m area of concrete patio on my 480sq metre piece of land then going through new concepts (for me) of flying a vertical box, vertical zig zagging and flying a very tight circle (head in, head out), seeing how tight I can keep the camera focusing on the ridgeline of the house.
As for the days of the UAV being over; non, nicht, nyet, or, as the Italians would say, 'No'.
Take a look on Google and YT at the number of ideas being trialed for the use of pro' UAVs, assisting with helping life to go on during the pandemic shut down/restrictions, albeit in a way not previously considered.
If we're talking about being at war against this virus, UAVs are fast becoming a leading part of the "Countermeasures Squadron", if you ask me.
Keep positive!

Stay safe.
Happy flying ? ;) Thumbswayup
News just in;

We are in the new "Snitch Society". Government paying people in report their neighbors breaking rules. Makes me think twice about flying in my neighborhood ?

Already I had the police arrive to question me based on a neighbor's phone call.

Yes what you say is true but necessary. Anything that one does that could impact the health and safety of others has to be reported. This is evident in the cliche, “If you see something, say something.” Just a part of modern life
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This has curbed my enthusiasm to fly a little along with the talk about remote ID and throw in a couple of paranoid onlookers and the fun is gone ?
Get thee to the rural countryside my friend!

Standing in the middle of a 250 acre field with nothing but woods on all sides, there are no onlookers and the FUN is over the top! :D
I think the days are numbered for drone pilots who thumb their nose to rules and regulations. Want to blame someone, blame the idiots who fly over airports and get in the way of emergency aircraft like the recent incident in California with the fires. The results of the drone ID is yet to be determined but by the time the regulation is rolled out I suspect technology will reduce its impact to those who understand and follow FAA rules and regulations. In the end your drone will have an ID just like your car has a license plate.
I am a brand new drone owner at 68 and I believe it’s just getting started for me, and to let you know so far I would rather be with the drone than some of people out there, Fly Safe and Stay Safe
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Yes what you say is true but necessary. Anything that one does that could impact the health and safety of others has to be reported. This is evident in the cliche, “If you see something, say something.” Just a part of modern life
Sounds more like communism to me!
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