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Are you getting any Christmas goody’s for your drone 2018

My new fitness band motivates me (us) to more activity...

Last Saturday we went for a walk of 90 minutes in the evening. We made our way to fast food, and could choose between Burger King or MC Donalds. We chose BK.
After the small meal it was a bit arduous back home, maybe because we had a bottle of wine with us :)
On Sunday we went into the sunset, but without wine and fast food :)

The tour went a little way along our small fjord, and lasted about 2 hours. It was windy, cool and the sky was closed with a dense cloud cover.

My new and constant companion is the DOP ...
So of course I made a few shots, although there was not much interesting to see. It was already very dark, but still the footage came so that something was to be recognized. That surprised me a lot.
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We discovered a really thick tree, of which unfortunately only the lower third exists. Although the area is not unknown to us, we have never noticed this mighty tree directly. Actually, I only know such thick trees from other parts of the world, or rather from TV documentaries.

I tried to film this tree, although it was already very dark. On the video, this tree may not look very powerful, but when we stood directly in front of it, we were amazed by this giant. I had little hope that the recording would succeed, but see for yourself:
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Also, the quality of the two integrated microphones surprised me positively, because I had previously noted many critical opinions, but I am very satisfied with it. And I think for myself, it is the beginning of a great love.
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Whenever I'm on the road, and there's something interesting to see, I reach into my pocket for the DOP. A push of a button, and a few seconds later, the camera dwarf is ready for use :)
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My new fitness band motivates me (us) to more activity...Last Saturday we went for a walk of 90 minutes in the evening. We made our way to fast food, and could choose between Burger King or MC Donalds. We chose BK.After the small meal it was a bit arduous back home, maybe because we had a bottle of wine with us...

mnis, this is a good advertisement for the fitness band! :) I know I can relate! :) I could always use more inspiration. I am impressed with clarity and brightness of those night pics. I wonder if you can extract more data from dark foreground in post production? When I was looking at M2Zoom vs M2Pro threads here on forum, I saw one where guy posted two identical images taken at night with the two cameras. His point was that the photos might look very similar at first blush but in actuality the Pro sensor had captured more data that could be brought to surface in post production. Audio is good thats interesting to hear I dont know why you said your wife sounds like Ozzy! Sounds more like she has a slight German accent! :) I love walking through forests BUT less so at night especially if its foggy ever since watching that Blair Witch movie. I kept thinking someone was going to pop out from around the tree!

Porky, thanks for that hyperlapse video! I have to study this whole procedure all week before practicing on weekend. What a neat feature! Those wind mills should look awesome!
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mnis, this is a good advertisement for the fitness band! :) I know I can relate! :) I could always use more inspiration. I am impressed with clarity and brightness of those night pics. I wonder if you can extract more data from dark foreground in post production? When I was looking at M2Zoom vs M2Pro threads here on forum, I saw one where guy posted two identical images taken at night with the two cameras. His point was that the photos might look very similar at first blush but in actuality the Pro sensor had captured more data that could be brought to surface in post production. Audio is good thats interesting to hear I dont know why you said your wife sounds like Ozzy! Sounds more like she has a slight German accent! :) I love walking through forests BUT less so at night especially if its foggy ever since watching that Blair Witch movie. I kept thinking someone was going to pop out from around the tree!

Porky, thanks for that hyperlapse video! I have to study this whole procedure all week before practicing on weekend. What a neat feature! Those wind mills should look awesome!
Haha, my wife only sounds like Ozzy, when she talks in her sleep :)

Chip, you do not need to be afraid at night in the forest, because there are enough trees. And if you hide motionless behind a tree, nothing will happen to you. Most terrible creatures (except animals) can not look very good ... Anyway, I go with these thoughts almost fearlessly through the forest :)

Yes for my eyes it was already very dark during the shooting, but the small screen of the DOP showed a bright picture. Of course, my reading glasses stayed at home, and so I had everything on automatic at FHD / 25.

Certainly more can be made of it, but I love this "It works right out of the box feeling". I still have so much to learn, but there's always this thought: too little time for all this.

Oh, I'm thinking of a second Mavic right now ... I like your pictures from the zoom, and the pictures from Porky's Pro. I just can not decide. Also, I keep thinking that an MPP might be enough as a supplement to my existing M1P ... I know, until Christmas 2019 I can not wait...
Nice vids with your Osmo mnis, that’s the good thing about it, fits into your pocket;)

Blair witch, lol chip, I thought that was a cracking film, but yeah I know what you mean about being in the woods at night:eek:

I’ll have to change the thread title this year, well later this year to 2019 Christmas, should be fun to see what we all get:D:p so mnis you might get a Zoom/Pro? We’ll watch this space to see what one you go for, both cracking dronesThumbswayup

I do like the way you can zoom in on things like what chip posted I was impressed with the zoom feature.
Think we’ll be seeing a lot of this from chip:D:D
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LOL! Yes is another set to compare taken just a few moments apart. These tugs were fun to watch! Very quick, smooth docking.
Look out chips about:D
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If you do not have an optical zoom, you do not have to be sad ... Life is digital ... Look what I found:
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More stuff for confusion:
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Sorry bit late to answer but Charlie that didn’t look good:( looks like what they would call a “toilet bowl” when it was just hovering.

Can’t give an explanation though... hope you get it all sorted out buddy;)
hi @charliesRig have to agree with Porky first thing i thought of toilet bowl it seems to have been subject to some kind of interference, to the compass,i noticed that here last week both the original go4 app and the one for the latest drones had been updated i did them both as i use them both for my PH3S and my MPP this was for android devices
Nice find mnis, looks like there’s not a lot of difference between the zoom/pro drones, well if we know how to get them setup correctly :D :p also it depends on what you’re going to use them for, for me it’s mostly photos but with a little video may be in time;)
hi @charliesRig have to agree with Porky first thing i thought of toilet bowl it seems to have been subject to some kind of interference, to the compass,i noticed that here last week both the original go4 app and the one for the latest drones had been updated i did them both as i use them both for my PH3S and my MPP this was for android devices

Yeah weird one dad, I hope Charlie (skipper) gets it sorted, hate seeing people having problems with their drones, let us know now you get on Charlie ;)
Thanks guys still on my work cycle
And again when I get off I will take you advice old man Mavic.. Again since Im on 40-500 I will update the app again see if I can't touch the clouds once again
Nice tractor tug chip those gals have 10'000 HP diesel engine and can goes 18 knots in any direction
And about your Night/Woods terror...the animals in there don't have to see you. They smell you and sence your fear If you go you have to be fearless or you'll be something dinner but if you do it and conquer your fear you will have inter peace and that my friend is a game changer
BTW chip you are correct that my patch
Inner qrtmstr
I pop up I can see Amazonville to the N.
narrows bridge/Gig harbor S. comencment bay W.S.
SeaTac W.
And probably why my
"flight window" is getting smaller every yr...
if I want to hang with you fine people I might have to

change some flight perimeter soon.
Looks like we're in a pink bag
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...And about your Night/Woods terror...the animals in there don't have to see you. They smell you and sence your fear If you go you have to be fearless or you'll be something dinner but if you do it and conquer your fear you will have inter peace and that my friend is a game changer...

Okay that sounds good but let let me fill you in on the details. I was taking shortcut home along a narrow foot path at the bottom of a steep gully. I know the area well and have been on that path before. The problem was it got real dark much quicker than I expected, I had no light, and the narrow trail was littered with mud patches, divots and big tree trunks that can grab your ankle real easy. I could barely see my hand in front of my face and I started getting nervous. This was not a high crime area but always the possibility of a criminal element. Suddenly, I heard a low grunting sound about ten feet ahead of me, or was it to my side? Who knows but I did not wait to find out! I spun around and skedaddled out of there. This was a rare event and reaction for me but I think I had a flashback when I watched mnis' tree video!

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Suddenly, I heard a low grunting sound about ten feet ahead of me, or was it to my side? ]

Sorry chip that was me searching for food in the undergrowth;)
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Didn’t mean to scare ya:D
Love it chip, brilliantThumbswayupThumbswayupThumbswayup are those photos jpg or Raw? Just can’t believe the difference in both photos, it zoooooooooooms well;)

They are jpegs. But from what I have been reading, and from what the guy in your hyperlapse video said.....

At least if you want to have the ability to maximize the potential of your photos in post production.
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True, I’ve read & watched YT vids on it so now I only shoot in Raw, it’s meant to be better working with the photo in post but again I’m no expert. I just do it:D

People still “rate” jpg’s though but I’m trying so hard to get the best out of the photo’s I take, if I’m doing it right is another matter.:rolleyes:

File size is much bigger but if you’ve got a nice size memory card it’s not a problem.

I’ve read doing hyper’s uses a lot of memory plus it kills batteries, won’t know until I try it out.
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