The hot dog is OK for me, looks delicious

I love to eat self-made hot dogs
Yesterday, around sunset, I flew two 2 year old M1P batteries on one of my favorite places. The weather was excellent but due to unforeseen events I was traveling too late. Unfortunately it got dark very fast and the videos are not nice to look at.
I had also selected D-Log, and that's kind of a bad idea if the videos are not going to be reworked. But flying was a lot of fun because I finally got to try one of my two sets of orange Master Airscrews. I was so surprised that my Mavic was almost nailed to the air, which I had not expected and had not experienced before. There was no gimbal shake, and no other noticeable negative effects.

Slowly I checked the reactions to control commands, the Mavic responded promptly and reliably. So I quickly gained confidence in the MAS propellers, and flew some nice courses. I was also amazed at the old Mavic batteries, it was a good 21/22 minute flight time down to 30% remaining capacity. The MAS are much quieter than the DJI-8330F of the Mavic Pro, and almost as quiet as the DJI-8331F of the Mavic Pro Platinum, but much more stable than both DJI variants.
Of course, it was not a scientific test, only my subjective perception, but I have completely convinced the MAS ...
In general, I seem to have a lot of luck with my old Mavic so far. All five of my old batteries are obviously still in good condition. Each battery has reached about 50 charging cycles, and so far there are no obvious negative changes. Also, my relatively new three aftermarket batteries from Powerextra work perfectly, at least as far as I can tell.
And finally, the Mavic is very tolerant of all my experiments with the different propellers. So it seems like I'm doing some right, and would be spared from all the mischief reported here.
But luck is temporary, so keep your fingers crossed, and keep good hope ...
Today it has become a bit windier, but for flying, the weather is still good enough, I think.
Friends, I wish you happy flying, good weather and good luck ...