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Attacked by birds! Any ideas on how to avoid.SO


Active Member
Feb 4, 2017
Eastern Connecticut
So I was flying today to do a roof inspection. Its a old factory that parts of the roof have been blowing off. They are landing on cars and I need to send the owner an order to repair. The roof is not safe so my mavic was used. In the past I had no issues with my old P4 or Q500+.

When I got to one of the damaged areas some birds took off from the roof. At first they were flying away but circled back. Some of them got close and circled around my Mavic. Luckily I was able to land it quickly. I think the birds were defending their turf.

I know other have had the same issues. Do skins help or has anyone tried any other measures.
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Keep in mind that this is the time of the year when many species of birds start nesting and become very protective of their nests. In my area the hawks and bluejays won't take no for an answer when they are trying to lure or shoo you away from their nesting areas. You probably got too close to where they are nesting.
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Your probably right Walt. I may end up having the fire department bring the ladder truck. I just don't like going up in it.
I was thinking it may have been due to the size and color of the mavic, but nesting does make sense.
So I was flying today to do a roof inspection. Its a old factory that parts of the roof have been blowing off. They are landing on cars and I need to send the owner an order to repair. The roof is not safe so my mavic was used. In the past I had no issues with my old P4 or Q500+.

When I got to one of the damaged areas some birds took off from the roof. At first they were flying away but circled back. Some of them got close and circled around my Mavic. Luckily I was able to land it quickly. I think the birds were defending their turf.

I know other have had the same issues. Do skins help or has anyone tried any other measures.

Switch to sport mode and go UP! The birds can't follow you. Then land your mavic immediately and wait for the birds going home.
So I was flying today to do a roof inspection. Its a old factory that parts of the roof have been blowing off. They are landing on cars and I need to send the owner an order to repair. The roof is not safe so my mavic was used. In the past I had no issues with my old P4 or Q500+.

When I got to one of the damaged areas some birds took off from the roof. At first they were flying away but circled back. Some of them got close and circled around my Mavic. Luckily I was able to land it quickly. I think the birds were defending their turf.

I know other have had the same issues. Do skins help or has anyone tried any other measures.

i had a similar experience.. expecially with some meters of distance is hard to understand how close those birds are but gets scary !!
Someone in another post wrote " move your mavic vertically " .. like go HIGH up in the sky ( or low if that's the case..)
cause birds will hardly ascent/descent as the mavic do ..
i tried it in one circumstance and seems the safer thing to do .. more than trying to " lose them " on a horizontal way
cause birds will hardly ascent/descent as the mavic do ..
i tried it in one circumstance and seems the safer thing to do .. more than trying to " lose them " on a horizontal way

usually birds CAN descending very fast, because they can turn down very quickly. the carnivorous type of birds more faster downward. so be careful ;). i think the best way is if you ascending quickly in sport mode, when birds start attacking your mavic. then landing and wait on the ground. lot of birds just want to protect their territories or nests. ooohhh... i almost forgot: LOS (or VLOS)! :D
So I was flying today to do a roof inspection. Its a old factory that parts of the roof have been blowing off. They are landing on cars and I need to send the owner an order to repair. The roof is not safe so my mavic was used. In the past I had no issues with my old P4 or Q500+.

When I got to one of the damaged areas some birds took off from the roof. At first they were flying away but circled back. Some of them got close and circled around my Mavic. Luckily I was able to land it quickly. I think the birds were defending their turf.

I know other have had the same issues. Do skins help or has anyone tried any other measures.

Orange is allegedly a good skin colour as well as anything that makes it look like it has eyes.

Evasion should be up as it's the least expected behaviour (allegedly).
With birds you need to know what you are dealing with. Pigeons are normally docile even on there nests. They breed all year around. Grackles and Magpies are very aggressive when protecting their nests. Many birds will chase what they consider a predator until it is out of their territory.
Thank you for all of the info. Going to try again in a few days. Looking to get enough to produce a 3d model. May bring a propane cannon to scare them away prior.
Painting big yellow eyes I would imagine would work quite well. Birds gage a potential predator based on the size of eyes. Bigger = more dangerous....
best way... :)
I launched near nesting birds and was not bothered. Another time I was in an open field and chased a long distance.
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