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ATTI Mode ??


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2020
Wetside WA
MPP user manual page 11 talks about what happens but I can't find a definition. I know it's limited capability by how it's used

Attitude only? or ????
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Atti Mode is short for Attitude Mode, where the drone will maintain a specific altitude but not position. That means the drone will remain at the same height but drift around in the wind.
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Figured that- but even the DJI site uses ATTI without a definition.

Someplace there's gotta be a Drones for Dummies

With the slug of newbie droners on here I figured somebody has to ask.. ;)
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Figured that- but even the DJI site uses ATTI without a definition.
Someplace there's gotta be a Drones for Dummies

With the slug of newbie droners on here I figured somebody has to ask.. ;)
I’m glad you asked. I only wish new flyers knew more about and practiced flying in Alti mode, I would bet we would see a decrease in the # of incidents. Have a great day.
Blue Skies from SoCal(soon to be Idaho;)
Yep, My little 4" Hubsan is ATTI only - hence the prop guards are still installed ;)

Didn't know that's what it was ...... just that you had to watch it all the time, and the cats didn't care for it
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It has been discussed a lot. Used to be able with the Phantoms to flip a switch on the controller and be in it.
I used it to see which way the wind was blowing at whatever
heght I was going to fly and also made for smooth video
just drifting and yawing, panning around.
And as above it was good practice.
So forgive me, but even with the several replies, I'm still not quite sure what your asking...
Are asking what the definition of ATTI (Attitude) mode is OR are you asking how to enter this mode on the MPP?

I hope one of these is what your after because I'm going to answer both, relating to your OP, which mentioned the MPP, and not the Hubsan you later mentioned, which I know nadda about!

So I've never seen a definition of ATTI mode either, from DJI, but the description that one of the first replies mentioned is solid, except regarding the MPP, I'd only add that unless you've used the Assistant 2 (v1.1.2) debug method to enable this function to be switched to on-demand (a totally different subject of which there is alot of threads to visit, if your interested) then your MPP or any Mavic will only enter ATTI, when its lost GPS reception. Its pretty much the 4th flying mode on the mavics, that isnt manually selectable, but keeps you in the air, if you lose GPS lock. Also, I'm not sure if ATTI mode holds its altitude using its vision sensor on bottom or if it uses its internal barometric sensor to sense that heights pressure?
(Correct me if I'm wrong on any this, my more adept forum brethren.)

Now if you were looking for a definition on ATTI mode to help explain what your Hubsan is doing, during flight, I'd have to say that while it might mimic what you think ATTI mode is, I doubt the Hubsan has the same internal sensors that would allow this, but like I said, I know nadda about Hubsan. I'd guess that your hubsan is drifting due to lack of GPS data, if it even has a GPS rxcvr installed.

Hope this helps somewhat!

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So forgive me, but even with the several replies, I'm still not quite sure what your asking...
Are asking what the definition of ATTI (Attitude) mode is OR are you asking how to enter this mode on the MPP?

I hope one of these is what your after because I'm going to answer both, relating to your OP, which mentioned the MPP, and not the Hubsan you later mentioned, which I know nadda about!

So I've never seen a definition of ATTI mode either, from DJI, but the description that one of the first replies mentioned is solid, except regarding the MPP, I'd only add that unless you've used the Assistant 2 (v1.1.2) debug method to enable this function to be switched to on-demand (a totally different subject of which there is alot of threads to visit, if your interested) then your MPP or any Mavic will only enter ATTI, when its lost GPS reception. Its pretty much the 4th flying mode on the mavics, that isnt manually selectable, but keeps you in the air, if you lose GPS lock. Also, I'm not sure if ATTI mode holds its altitude using its vision sensor on bottom or if it uses its internal barometric sensor to sense that heights pressure?
(Correct me if I'm wrong on any this, my more adept forum brethren.)

Now if you were looking for a definition on ATTI mode to help explain what your Hubsan is doing, during flight, I'd have to say that while it might mimic what you think ATTI mode is, I doubt the Hubsan has the same internal sensors that would allow this, but like I said, I know nadda about Hubsan. I'd guess that your hubsan is drifting due to lack of GPS data, if it even has a GPS rxcvr installed.

Hope this helps somewhat!


ATTI holds altitude the same way that P-GPS holds altitude - using its IMU accelerometers and barometric sensor to detect vertical motion. If the VPS system is available then it will use that instead of GPS data and it won't go into ATTI mode.
Yep, My little 4" Hubsan is ATTI only
Worthy effort Jzilla. Sorry if that confused you - My off course way of saying It has No gyros or sensors

The reason for the question was I could find no definiton for ATTI- just usage references
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I use my Hubsan 501s to practice ATTI mode. It does have GPS and all the other stabilizers but gives me the choice of turning GPS off with a flip of the switch.

Not only will the drone drift with the wind but it does not brake automatically when you let go of the sticks. It will keep moving in the direction it was going when you let go of the sticks. The momentum of the bird will keep it moving until air friction (or a tree :) ) stops it. This takes some getting used to as every movement of the sticks must be countered by an opposite move to cancel the momentum. This is great practice for the eventuality of losing GPS on my M2.

The Hubsan also allows me to to enter full Manual Mode. No altitude hold! Everything is stick related. White knuckles all the way.
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Atti mode is good to have ready for when the drone bouncers try to send your uav false gps data to make it fly into their secret uav hoard.
As much as I read in here sometimes I think this is it ?

If each of us had all the answers the forum would be empty.
DJI documentation is lacking. You can't pose questions to a tutorial. I've found some very enlightening answers here -to many of my very embarrassing noob questions. And yes I did gobble up info before my first flight.
Who here was born with a comprehensive knowledge of unmanned flight?
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If each of us had all the answers the forum would be empty.
DJI documentation is lacking. You can't pose questions to a tutorial. I've found some very enlightening answers here -to many of my very embarrassing noob questions. And yes I did gobble up info before my first flight.
Who here was born with a comprehensive knowledge of unmanned flight?
Awe bro ya didn’t take that little bit of humor personal did ya.
After staying in DronePilots almost 6 years I just come out
with a little once in awhile.
I understand what you are saying and I still learn something
new everyday here.
Still stand by what I posted though. Nothing from this thread
mind ya but have read stuff that would make ya roll. :)
Hi. I am a Mavic Pro user and I also have a question about ATTI Mode if someone here can answer for me.
1) Is it normal that I can move the drone but cannot see anything visual in my screen? I am fine with flying in ATTI Mode but
if I want to film something I need to know where my carmera is pointing right?

2) How can I turn off the ATTI Mode? It is due to lack of satellite in the nearby area or is it due to disturbance from some antena?
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