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Batteries on cross country airline flight


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2021
I am planning on bringing a Mini 2 from New York on a commercial flight.....from what I have been able to find, I can't pack the batteries in a suitcase to be checked...they must be in carry on the batteries have to be wrapped in any special way?...I intended to put them in separate zip lock that sufficient?
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Depends on the airline but I believe the idea is to make sure the exposed contacts are covered and don't come into contact with each other or foreign objects. The Mini batteries are small enough capacity that no one is going to be concerned with them in your carry-on but I agree you should put them in sort of container or bag or ideally in the drone itself.
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you can get small individual Lipo bags to put each battery in for transport ,just have them at a 50% or less charge during the flight
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I am planning on bringing a Mini 2 from New York on a commercial flight.....from what I have been able to find, I can't pack the batteries in a suitcase to be checked...they must be in carry on the batteries have to be wrapped in any special way?...I intended to put them in separate zip lock that sufficient?
have just done two trips with the drone into Europe ( Air 3 ) Carry on a must and expect a check through security ! I had LIPO bags for each of the 3 batteries but kept them loose and the 3 Air 3 bats in their charger.
Absolutely no problem with security more interested in the drone and its capabilities
I cover the contacts with a strip of painters blue tape to prevent any shorts. Also it’s probably best to be discharged to the safe discharged 50-60% level.
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I’ve just returned from the US and took my Mini 3 Pro with me on both international and domestic flights. No special requirements for batteries - I’ve made a habit of declaring at security that I have a drone in my carry on and ask if they want it out like a laptop or left in. I’ve had both done - no issues. I flew AA this time but have also done Southwest.
I have made 2 trips from east coast to west coast in the last few months. Took my Air2S both times. Had my drone and batteries in my carryon bag with the contacts covered with plastic covers from Amazon. Didn't declare with TSA that I had anything special in the carryon bag but I did take the drone out and place it on a tray with the other electronics. They never asked about the contents of the bag or about the drone. Never place batteries in checked baggage, always take with you on the plane.
Last month flew in and out of LGA and JFK. I had a couple of camera batteries in my carry on. I just put a piece of duct tape over the contacts and all was questions, no issues
I was stopped at my local airport with my lipos in lipo safe bags going thru security. I was a little surprised the TSA folks didn’t know what they were, but I powered them all on told them what they were for and they sent me on my way.
Depends on the airline but I believe the idea is to make sure the exposed contacts are covered and don't come into contact with each other or foreign objects. The Mini batteries are small enough capacity that no one is going to be concerned with them in your carry-on but I agree you should put them in sort of container or bag or ideally in the drone itself.
Absolutely fine. Also a strip of paper tape or gaffers tape, Blue painters tape is good too- over the contacts area works as well.
And a 50% charge rather than full is prudent.
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