Like most drone enthusiasts, recreational or commercial, I am always looking for a deal on a previously owned drone. When I do, I am fully aware of two trains of thought; “It’s too good to be true” and “There is no free lunch”. I recently pursued what I thought was a “good deal” on a Mavic 3T. I was provided with the serial number of the drone by the seller. I contacted DJI, provided them with the serial number and they informed me that the drone was bound to a specific account. No surprise, right? I also learned that the drone in question was still under warranty with a DJI care agreement still in effect. DJI informed me that the seller needed to un-bound the account in order for the drone to be bound to the new owner. DJI indicated that once the new owner binds the drone to the new owner’s account the warranty and care agreement would transfer to the new owner and the drone would become fully functional. Now I am excited. I contacted the seller and was informed that he received the drone as a gift, and he did not bind the drone. The seller informed me that the gift giver purchased the drone, new in the box, from a face book marketplace seller and he was not the person who bound the drone to the DJI account. The seller has no idea how to get the drone un-bound. Negotiations are now stalled unless the seller can un-bound the drone. My lesson is, never buy a used, high value DJI drone unless DJI can confirm that the drone is un-bound. I am not tech-savvy enough to know of a work around to be able to have a fully functional drone that is bound to someone else’s account, nor would I want to. To be clear, I am in no position to suspect the seller of anything nefarious.