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Calif. tourist fined $20K for out-of-control drone that landed at airport in Las Vegas flight in 2018


Staff Member
Premium Pilot
Jun 1, 2017
Western NC, USA
:mad: We all knew they’d eventually stop handing out warnings and get serious about it. Anyone flying NLD, beyond VLOS and other ways of trying to fly illegally under the radar and all that are really going to mess it all up for the whole lot of us.

Thanks for posting it though, it may help!
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:mad: We all knew they’d eventually stop handing out warnings and get serious about it. Anyone flying NLD, under the wire and all that are really going to mess it all up for the whole lot of us.

Thanks for posting it though, it may help!

There are other "cases" under investigation and keep in mind this one took place over a year ago. It just takes time to investigate and get all their ducks in a row. Also often times the "offender" can plead to lower fines or actions. A Young man near Charlotte NC had to go to all local middle and high schools in his area and speak to them about Drones and Aviation Safety to not pay silly high fines. It happens a LOT more than we hear about on here.

Keep in mind that NLD(and other software Mods) only makes your DJI drone act more like other brands of sUAS. I have several in my fleet that don't have GEOfencing at all from the manufacturer and I have a few in my fleet that HAD GEOfencing from the factory that has now been removed. This simply puts the responsibility into my hands to fly legally but I do support GEOfencing generally.

This guy was operating in a PLACE he shouldn't have been and operating in a WAY that was beyond his level of experience and knowledge. I'd love to see his flight logs to see exactly what DID happen. I'm betting it went into ATTI mode and he simply watched it drift with the breeze not knowing how to actually fly the aircraft in ATTI mode.
Fines started around $15K but late fees etc have it up to $20K and climbing.

well lets look at the positive side of this,if anyone was ever curious of what vegas landmarks look like from a drones perspective here it is.
For those who may not know, the High Roller is a 550' tall giant Ferris wheel.
This good, It shows the FAA will take action and the penalties are severe . Maybe pilots that see this will take notice and fly with in the rules. I hope it has this effect. we don't need more rules just have to enforce what there is.Its a proven fact more rules do nothing to deter the criminal but enforcement does. Thumbswayup :)
I agree! This is good. As a long time RC pilot it's about time some action is being taken against those who don't know or don't care about rules. Don't get me wrong, I am now ordered a Mavic Mini, and have other "inexpensive" drones (the term drone in my opinion does not include RC aircraft). I have flown RC aircraft for years. Never had a problem,, nor saw anyone have a problem. Drones can be a wonderful tool. But it only takes a few to ruin it for everyone.
The fly-away situation was of course a serious problem, but there were other problems prior to losing control of the drone. In an interview, the remote pilot (Burciaga) agreed that the danger to manned aircraft was quite serious; yet he did not acknowledge the reckless actinos he committed intentionally ... no authorization, flying too high, flying over people, flying over moving traffic.

Burciaga seemed to say that he launched from the top of a parking garage. I have tried that maybe three or four times with a DJI drone and always get a compass error - presumably because of the rebar in the concrete.

Legitimate safe remote pilots are incurring a PR problem because of reckless actors. Seems like once a week I see someone post a drone photo or video on either instagram or youtube that was either clearly illegal or would be legal only with FAA authorization. (I've seen some legit remote pilots actually state in the comments that the photo was made with FAA authorization.) Violate the rules and then proudly display the evidence? Or maybe that indicates ignorance of the rules.

What is the status of the basic knoweldge test for recreational pilots? Last I checked (last spring) the FAA required it for but had not actually rolled out any such test.
The fly-away situation was of course a serious problem, but there were other problems prior to losing control of the drone. In an interview, the remote pilot (Burciaga) agreed that the danger to manned aircraft was quite serious; yet he did not acknowledge the reckless actinos he committed intentionally ... no authorization, flying too high, flying over people, flying over moving traffic.

Burciaga seemed to say that he launched from the top of a parking garage. I have tried that maybe three or four times with a DJI drone and always get a compass error - presumably because of the rebar in the concrete.

Legitimate safe remote pilots are incurring a PR problem because of reckless actors. Seems like once a week I see someone post a drone photo or video on either instagram or youtube that was either clearly illegal or would be legal only with FAA authorization. (I've seen some legit remote pilots actually state in the comments that the photo was made with FAA authorization.) Violate the rules and then proudly display the evidence? Or maybe that indicates ignorance of the rules.

What is the status of the basic knoweldge test for recreational pilots? Last I checked (last spring) the FAA required it for but had not actually rolled out any such test.
You can easily avoid that compass issue by hand launching.
ya know again if the test ever does come out , only law abiding pilots will take it. and those that fail do you really think their gonna just stop flying. :rolleyes:
absolutely, just look how many drivers have never had a license and drive, how many lost it and still drive , probably more outlaw driver on the road then anything else.

So are you recommending not implementing the test, or just pessimistic about how much it will help the situation?
I agree! This is good. As a long time RC pilot it's about time some action is being taken against those who don't know or don't care about rules. Don't get me wrong, I am now ordered a Mavic Mini, and have other "inexpensive" drones (the term drone in my opinion does not include RC aircraft). I have flown RC aircraft for years. Never had a problem,, nor saw anyone have a problem. Drones can be a wonderful tool. But it only takes a few to ruin it for everyone.
First off WELCOME to the forum.

Unfortunately as of 2012 all of our RC Aircraft (scale, stunt, gliders, helicopters, multirotors) fall under the same category whether we like it or not.We fought that battle for months but once John Q. Public accepted the terms because the MEDIA forced it down our throats it was a lost battle. I too come from a long history of R/C flight (I started control line and single channel Non-Proportional in 1974 with my father) and still fly all the above when I can. I fly multirotors just about 7 days a week but they don't compare to the excitement of Stick & Rudder or Yank & Bank :)
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That is some of the best news I have read lately about irresponsible drone operators. Too bad he did not get jail time. Would sure like to see more fines and prosecution for this type action. Makes all the effort to get certified and following the rules worth the effort.
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A fine levied that is unpaid is just that. Irresponsible pilot is expected to pay fines on time or at all? You cannot get blood from a turnip. If they garnish wages that would be a way to force payment though.
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A fine levied that is unpaid is just that. Irresponsible pilot is expected to pay fines on time or at all? You cannot get blood from a turnip. If they garnish wages that would be a way to force payment though.
Or get proceeds from selling everything a bankruptcy court will take from him...
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