I don’t like to hear of drones hurting birds. The FAA might think differently but it’s their airspace when it comes right down to it.There were 5 black birds at my girlfriends place when I was trying to happily fly my Mavic pro in the spring time. They all were chasing after it , they were trying to James gang the drone, and rape it !! I hope they got circumcised! They almost knocked it down!
But your story was hilarious. You’re verbiage… spot on.
No names mentioned BUT there is one Pilot on the forum who appears to be friendly with and can fly through a huge gaggle of seagulls unnoticed and ignored. Yup. Capturedvon vid. He’s had a bird (don’t recall type) befriend him and in a sense accompany him in flight while filming as well. On video also! Lol. Strangest thing. Lol. Godspeed, Droniac