@Yaros I would suggest that people who deliberately fly drones in areas where they provoke confrontation help promote "drone hate".
I suspect most folks would have concerns about voyeurs taking photos or video at the beach and I would not be at all surprised if they have legal protection against it, especially if women and or children are topless or nude. Even more so when the camera is a 'spying drone' and its potential is likely over estimated.
If women have got their boy friend or hubby with them then, to be honest, I think you run the risk of getting clobbered, aka Will Smith and Tom Hanks.
Ditto parents protecting kids who are running around naked. I don't know if that still happens but when I was a kid it was quite common for toddlers to be naked on non nude beaches.
Do you think you could walk along a beach with kids, naked or not, and scantily clad women about whilst obviously pointing a camera at them without being accosted?
Have a look in you tube for "perverts at Bondi Beach" you will find quite a few Bondi Rescue videos that show confrontations concerning cameras and women where memory cards have been forcibly destroyed and or police called with the 'photographer' being arrested.
BTW Bondi Rescue is an interesting channel even if it is harrowing at times, it also shows some favourable usage of drones. Though I would suggest much greater usage could be made of them for 'spotting' (sharks and people in suspected trouble) purposes.
I have flown from the odd carpark or two and if there were people about I asked if they had any objections BEFORE I even set up, this was with a P3 and
M2P, so not small 'sneaky' drones, and prior to the 150m rule etc. I was quite happy to show them what the camera was capable of and in fact I volunteered to show them what it was capable of. None of them, including those with kids had any objection to my flying. If they had had an objection I wouldn't have flown.
In fact at one car park the kids had a ball playing under the drone, I sent the video of that to the parents.
Yes I have used a DSLR at a beach but it was tripod mounted with a long lens aimed at surfers and I would have been prepared to show the photos captured.
What can we do?
Fly with the thought/s in mind that others may object and that they have rights and expectations too, i.e. consider them before yourself.
Personally if was was concerned about the risk of a confrontation but really wanted to capture a scene I would screen capture what the drone can see so you have an instant replay available for any one who has such concerns and be prepared to show them as best you can the actual video.
But, in general, I would avoid areas where you expect a confrontation to take placeV.