Don't pay attention to the victim; the video was posted so you can get a feel for what the federal agents are looking for, what they might ask, or how they might act. Every law enforcement encounter has a good guy and a bad guy and everywhere in between; let's see what we can learn for the better half. I can almost assure you, every single lawful "engagement" between a law enforcement agent and the public is likely to be characterized as a "confrontation" which is why it is important to watch the video and maybe learn what a typical contact might look like; or it might be better or it might be worse. Like I said, no judgment, but for sure, I don't call other Americans who are exercising their Constitutional rights a jackass, I have too much respect for this country to believe that anyone who redresses their government is a jackass even if it doesn't look "pretty." If you thought the first 35 seconds was bad then no wonder.....oh, never mind.