People are always so worried about filing claims with their insurance carrier because it "may" cause their insurance to go up... I've got news for you people, that's what insurance is for. Don't abuse it and you'll be fine. I had a $9k claim for damage to my roof with State Farm last year... you know how much my insurance went up? Zero! Even if your insurance does go up, do you think it's going to go up by +$1k? I doubt it, for a $1k claim that would be ludicrous.
The bottom line is that State Farm is in the business of assessing risk. They have assessed the risk that your $1k policy on your Mavic costs them and they set your premium accordingly. If or when you need to make a claim, the cost of that claim is already factored into (1) your policy, and (2) the policies others took out.
It's not like you file your $1k claim for your Mavic and all of the sudden your homeowners is going to up $10k! Get a grip people. It's the same as a PA policy on a wedding or engagement ring. Are you not going to have you wife's wedding or engagement ring insured because filing a claim MAY make some other policy go up!! Think people!