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Compression error and huge lag


New Member
Nov 2, 2017
I have the MP for about a year and everything was great. Since yesterday I've noticed that something went completely wrong: live stream looks corrupted and the lag is unbearable.
I've tried to rollback the version, reset the controller, and switch phones, yet none of the above seams to help. I am currently using latest firmware and app version 4.2.14
Has anyone else encountered this phenomenon? And ideas how to fix it?


It happened to me a few months ago. It was caused by an automatic update of Go 4. I downgraded Go 4 and turned off auto updating and haven't had problems since.
I just updated the latest update last nite and flew 3 batteries this morning with no issues so I don't see it being the Go App #.
If it had been working fine it would seem to have to be something else .
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Thats where I would start, didn't think of it till you said it ac0j .0ROJYyg.png
Thats where I would start, didn't think of it till you said it ac0j .View attachment 40187
I do not believe that when DJI Go4 is updated that they change the way it works completely. Its not like they completely rewrite the code. It is usually tiny tweaks to an already working software. Or to address device firmware updates that alter the communication between the device and the app.
I have found that if you update ANYTHING, you should update EVERYTHING. Firmware, software, IOS, or any android device specific updates. You cant get along picking and choosing what to update.
This has never failed me.
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