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Crashed Mavic 2 in Matera, Italy

luis caramujo

New Member
Aug 12, 2023
Lisboa, Portugal
Hello, everyone.
last week, i crashed my Mavic in Matera, Italy. unfortunately i was using a only wifi iPad and the flight was not uploaded.
when i remembered to use the hotspot to upload i was 1000Kms away.
if there is anyone so kind and helpful, i would be very thankfull.
Best regards
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Reactions: wjkrysak and RodPad
Have you identified the model correctly, as far as I know the Mavic 2, of the title, can not be flown via wifi.
If the title is wrong you can edit the post and correct it.

What assistance do you want?

Oh, welcome.
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Have you identified the model correctly, as far as I know the Mavic 2, of the title can not be flown via wifi.
If the title is wrong you can edit the post and correct it.

What assistance do you want?

Oh, welcome.
Hello, the find my drone send me to the last flight recorded, only later i realized i had used a iPad without 4g,
then, i connected the iPad to the internet via iPhone hotspot, and the flight i crashed was uploaded and i knew the position of the drone. i was 1000kms away.
i was hopping that someone in the area, would be so kind tho recover the drone. A long shot, i know.
best regards
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Reactions: RodPad and GFields
Greetings from Birmingham Alabama USA, welcome to the forum! We look forward to hearing from you!
Hello from the Crossroads of America luis caramujo..

Welcome to the Forum. :cool:
In all my normal Welcome posts to all new members, I always include the following advice…

"You paid a lot of money for that Drone, put your phone number on it. If your drone gets lost or stuck in a tree and it finally comes down when you are not around, give the finders an opportunity to contact you so it can be returned."

I know this advice is too late for you but perhaps others reading this might say, "Hey that's a good idea, I'll do that now…"

So, if you do replace your drone, put Your Name and Number and any other required Registration Information on it…

I am sorry for your predicament.
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In all my normal Welcome posts to all new members, I always include the following advice…

"You paid a lot of money for that Drone, put your phone number on it. If your drone gets lost or stuck in a tree and it finally comes down when you are not around, give the finders an opportunity to contact you so it can be returned."

I know this advice is too late for you but perhaps others reading this might say, "Hey that's a good idea, I'll do that now…"

So, if you do replace your drone, put Your Name and Number and any other required Registration Information on it…

I am sorry for your predicament.
Thank you. a good advice indeed.
Welcome to Mavic Pilots! :) Enjoy the forum!Thumbswayup
Welcome to the forum. We look forward to your participation and your view of the world.
welcome to the forum
sorry for the loss of your drone ,its always rather sad when someones motivation ,for joining the forum, is based on an event such as this, good luck in your endeavours
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