Well-Known Member
Not supposed to use swear words on this forum or imply them either? Naughty Boy on his Soap Box.
So your stance (and these other ding dongs) is that the FAA has recommends safe flying practices, and you abide by them 100% of the time. Right? Well let's do this, you do what you want, and follow the rules exactly, and let every other free American do as they want. It's their choice, not yours.
They are not going to ban drones. Most of your fears are unfounded and much like the FAA there is little proof of drones causing deaths or damaging of property.
I think I speak for everyone when I say, we heard your opinions, and your trolling of posts looking for a place to speak your opinion, is getting old.
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What an absolute idiot you sound. 'It's my right to behave irresponsibly, to hell with what the rules are, I'm a free agent!' Absolutely disgraceful attitude but you keep breaking the rules and ignoring common sense. I'm sure those who want to ban our pastime will understand your 'rights' have much greater importance than public safety - even if it's only implied.
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