I have found that the Mavic Pro does a fairly good job following if the subject is at around walking speed (on curvy roads/trails with bushes and obstacles on the sides). As soon as the subject gets up to any reasonable speed, it follows like a drunk driver. It seems like the damping (of PID) is set way too high to follow at faster speeds. I understand why having a high damping is a good thing for smooth motions, but for my purposes, it is far too over damped and quickly runs into trees (even in fairly wide clearings).
Is there any way to turn down damping for active track? Or will changing any of the other settings enable it to track more aggressively? I need it track the subject with less damping potentially at the the expense of less smooth footage.
Is there any way to turn down damping for active track? Or will changing any of the other settings enable it to track more aggressively? I need it track the subject with less damping potentially at the the expense of less smooth footage.