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Delaware usa

Got one here.

Hey there, buddy. Welcome to the club. I'm located downstate, on the Indian River near the bay. Can't wait until the warm weather sticks. Makes flying in Delaware a lot more fun. Enjoy today. It's slipping back into the 30s and 40s on Sunday.

Take it easy. Talk with you later.
Whoa! There's a drone club in Delaware? I just purchased a Mavic Pro about five months ago and love it. But I want to fly with others in the area.
Got one here.

Hey there, buddy. Welcome to the club. I'm located downstate, on the Indian River near the bay. Can't wait until the warm weather sticks. Makes flying in Delaware a lot more fun. Enjoy today. It's slipping back into the 30s and 40s on Sunday.

Take it easy. Talk with you later.
Got one here.

Hey there, buddy. Welcome to the club. I'm located downstate, on the Indian River near the bay. Can't wait until the warm weather sticks. Makes flying in Delaware a lot more fun. Enjoy today. It's slipping back into the 30s and 40s on Sunday.

Take it easy. Talk with you later.
Whoa! There are drone clubs in Delaware? I just bought a Mavic Pro about five months ago and love it. But I want to get together with other Mavic pilots. I live in Ellendale (Sussex County). Where are these clubs/get together?
Hello All,

After a long wait i got my Mavic last week. Is there a group/community in DOVER, DE that get together in flying or share stuff related to mavic or any other drone??
I was very excited but after my friend suggested apps to see no-fly zones, I installed AirMap and UAV Forecast apps both show almost all the Dover in restricted area zone because of AFB, any suggestions where to fly??
This will be my first flight with mavic ;)

Thank You
Hello All,

After a long wait i got my Mavic last week. Is there a group/community in DOVER, DE that get together in flying or share stuff related to mavic or any other drone??
I was very excited but after my friend suggested apps to see no-fly zones, I installed AirMap and UAV Forecast apps both show almost all the Dover in restricted area zone because of AFB, any suggestions where to fly??
This will be my first flight with mavic ;)

Thank You
I have flown all over Smyrna and woodland beach and i have flown over DSU and Dover Downs no issue
That is great.....I guess DSU and Dover Downs Comes under 5mile radius of AFB, did you call the tower to let them know that your are flying??
do you follow any app or website to see the zones or just fly it?
How long are you fly mavic for??
Yes, you're right. The Mavic Pro IS quite an investment to make, financially and with the time it takes to really learn it and get the most out of it. But it is tremendously worth it.

However, I'm happy to tell you that, YES, there are many places for you to fly legal here in the State and without any worry, too. You only have to obey the basic FAA rules, that's all.

A little history: The latest FAA guidelines of August 29, 2016 regarding drones are, to me at least, clear and understandable and very easy to work with. Others, however, still feel that they aren't clear enough and are prone to interpretation, which they sometimes are by local law enforcement officials who are unaware of the rights given to drone pilots by the FAA and who are also totally unaccustomed to dealing with this issue. But here in Delaware some interesting things recently happened.

Some of the beach resort towns downstate where I live (near Rehoboth Beach) recently tried passing town ordinances and laws prohibiting drones from being flown in their town's airspace. But Delaware stepped in and said the State owned the airspace, not the towns, so every town backed down and withdrew their drone bans except for Bethany Beach. However, the FAA never said it agreed with Delaware's claim to the State's airspace; they insist they are in control of it instead.

So I follow the FAA regs to the letter, and I intend on enjoying all of the rights I have to fly my drone wherever I want to accordingly. I flew my Mavic for about 90 minutes yesterday in Rehoboth Beach, filming the town, the commercial oceanside boardwalk area, and the sand and surf, with no problems. Same with Lewes a few days ago. There are many farmlands, rivers and marshes and other natural places to fly over and photograph or film in Delaware, as well as industrial areas that would make for good filming, too. I have flown in several of the State Parks often, but I recently read where they supposedly prohibit drones in the entire Park system. However, I've flown directly in front of Park Rangers prior to reading that and have never been told not to. Again, I think it's because Delaware has come out and said no one or no entity can ban drones from enjoying the 400' airspace the FAA has allowed for us to fly in. And while it is illegal to fly a drone in any U.S. National Park, I've seen no such bans with National Wildlife Refuges, known for drawing photographers year round and especially during bird migration season. We have 2 such NWRs in Delaware: Bombay Hook to the north and Prime Hook, here in the southern part of the State. I've flown in Prime Hook several times, taking off within eyesight of the Park Office and have never had a problem

My understanding is drone pilots have access to that 400' airspace and to deny them that access is a violation of their rights. With that in mind, you obviously must use some basic common sense while flying, too. Hovering your drone 35' in the air over a sunbathing neighbor 3 houses down the street from you obviously is NOT cool or legal (flying over someone violates FAA regs and invasion of privacy would come into play.) But if you are 150' in the air and you happen to fly over that same house, that is not a problem and you have legal access to that airspace. At that height you pose no imminent danger to anyone and are not violating their privacy, either.

One final thought: the compactness and ease of setting up the Mavic for a flight makes it even easier to get a flight in wherever you go. You don't have to assemble anything, attach props, nothing. Just take it out, unfold it, find a suitable launch site (bring a launch pad with you to keep your Mavic clean of dust and debris while taking off and landing), connect your controller and phone, and you are flying in a matter of a few minutes. Very subtle, very discreet. It does not have to draw a lot of attention.

Those are my thoughts to your question. I hope I cleared things up for you. Have you had your Mavic long and been able to get it up in the air often? Spring is coming fast and better flying weather will soon be here. FYI: Your battery will last MUCH longer during warm weather. I've flown my Mavic in the 20s, and battery life was noticeably cut. But yesterday with temps in the 70s, my 4 flights each lasted more than 22 minutes and I returned on each flight with 30% of battery power left. (You don't want to drain your LiPo batteries in your drone. It places a strain on them and seriously cuts their life and recharge cycle abilities.)

Good luck and good flying. Catch you later.
hey how is it going... I was looking for some information about flying drones and I just learnt that it is illegal to fly drones in states parks in DE, I recently bought a DJI SPARK and I was planning to fly it @ cape henlopen state park (live pretty close to it) , but now I feel like I better not to, because I don't want to be in troubles,do you know how to get special permition from the park, or what can I do in order to fly my dron in a legal way, enjoy it and have a good time out there... SPARK I not as big as MAVICK so I don't know under what category is SPARK
Smyrna-in the house... Str8 Newbee.. :) and taking it sloooow. lol

Drone: DJI Pro Platinum
Folks, Keybored here from Lewes -------- just picked up my MPro for Xmas. Keeping it "low and slow" as I learn the features of this xlnt drone.

Lycus Tech Mavic Air 3 Case

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