Was this picture taken of an object 200 feet over your house?So I was with my family the other night and they were asking me about this and I shared my view that originally people were seeing manned aircraft in the distance and calling them drones. Then other people look up, something most people don’t do regularly, and see an other manned aircraft they thing are drones and report them to the police and media.
My family was very skeptical and annoyed that I would think such a thing. They told me all these people can’t be wrong and that they’ve heard eye witness accounts of people describing them. They asked me if I thought that many people could be that dumb. It got heated.
I went outside to take a little break and looked up and saw, what I knew to be a plane or other manned aircraft going right above the house. I rushed in and told everybody to come out right away that there was a drone flying right over the house and that I was wrong! I was so wrong!
My family rushed outside with their cameras and looked at it for several seconds in complete silence and then people started seeing other “drones.” Then my Dad finally said, “those are planes idiots, we are right next to an airport.”
I looked at him, smirked, and said, “I know.”
Point was made. Argument ended. See photo of our “drone” sighting.
Oh wait....people see manned planes at 20,000 feet and mistake the distance (at night) for 200 feet.
You took a picture of a plane over your house, so what. it funny how none of the confirmed manned aircraft videos seem to show manned aircraft apparently not moving or hovering for extended periods or moving in erratic patterns.
Please take a picture and show it when the object is 200 feet over your house.
Please take a video of a manned aircraft doing circles around a nearby field in your neighborhood.
Please take a picture of a manned aircraft hovering over the nearby train station.
You can't.
Doesn't surprise me the argument get heated. That's expected for obvious reasons.
We've already said there are people reporting manned aircraft and they are mistaken as drones. We get it.
The pentagon, the White House, the police, and the public have already admitted there are verified drone sightings and in fact the FAA launched a TFR to stop those drones from flying. Posting pictures of verified manned aircraft flying around your neighbor which people already know are out there especially if you live near an airport (no one is claiming the sky should be free of manned aircraft) only serve to increase the number of manned aircraft photos and videos in a failed attempt to drown out and downplay the number of legitimate drone sightings and oh....to win a personal family argument.