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DJI Aeroscope Scanner

If someone publicly demonstrating an aeroscope took offense to such questions or was the slightest bit defensive would it not be fair to say:[/QUO
I would love to go to one of these demonstrations. I would try and very subtly get in a few questions like:

Under what legal authority is the police department using the device?

Are there federal, state or local laws or regulations which currently govern its use?

Is this a warrantless search?

What about any internal guidelines, policies or procedures governing use? Are those public records?

What data is stored, who has access, and for how long?

Is device borrowed, purchased or leased?

Is there a written contract or NDA of any kind with DJI?

Why? Because as some famous person once said ....

So, I'm not Famous but Cheech Wizard is... and Chip... don't know what he is... oh yeah ...a TROLL. Do yourself a favor and stop... I won't be replying to you anymore. And STOP asking so many questions. Just take your new hot blonde body and film some more UFO's . your not fooling anyone and I'm surprised you haven't got it yet.
I want someone to show me they have done it? Show me the proof??
The white paper is cool, but I see no, and have heard of no, implementation......
Show me how to do this....
So can someone indicate to me how any/all and sundry can see this data??? Wht hardware do I need??? How??
Almost every DJI drone, flying in CE mode, is aeroscope-proof.

My spark in CE mode and 5.8g, disconnects in 200m distance max. They must bring Aeroscope right under the drone, in order to detect it.

There's no need to talk about the accuracy of email addresses, DJI has stored in servers.
Nope. Not at all. The federal communications act of 1934 (?) gives everyone the right to receive radio transmissions on ANY frequency. That is why there are radar detectors, and police scanners. ( and encrypted content) :D

I think this device could make more money than a drone itself. Look at the New Mexico Balloon fest thread. I wonder what kind of money cities or whatever would pay to get pilot information on ordinance violations? Maybe a cut of the imposed fines? I may look into buying one and renting its use!

I’d agree with you, but ... well, there’s VA and DC who make it illegal to receive radar signals. So do i misunderstand; the drone connection to the cell phone is via wifi, an encrypted signal? I’m not aware of current as of ’18 law on this, but suffice it to say I checked my home state as recently as ’17, and have the statutes saved for a later date.

The way this usually works is this; if the incident is and interception by law enforcement, enabled by “statute” the state will move heaven and earth by way of taxpayer money to defend the interception. OTOH, if you bring a violation to the state (or commonwealth) good luck getting it pursued.

Now, I’m not out flying where I shouldn’t so it’s not like I’m trying to start a crusade here, just pointing out that there re definitely state laws that “auroscope” runs afoul of.
What is the best way to stay anonymous or at least make it more difficult for you to be tracked by a rouge aeorscope user?

Register a “burner email” at the library with some free service?
Purchase a mavic with cash at a brick/mortar store
Use this throw away email to create Dji account
Purchase a used iOS device with either pay as you go sim or no sim card at all.

Would these precautions be sufficient to protect your privacy?
What is the best way to stay anonymous or at least make it more difficult for you to be tracked by a rouge aeorscope user?

Register a “burner email” at the library with some free service?
Purchase a mavic with cash at a brick/mortar store
Use this throw away email to create Dji account
Purchase a used iOS device with either pay as you go sim or no sim card at all.

Would these precautions be sufficient to protect your privacy?

I respectfully submit that is wrong question. I believe that any law enforcement officer or other governmental agent using or demonstrating an aeroscope in public should be able to easily answer all these questions:

Under what legal authority is the police department using the device?
Are there federal, state or local laws or regulations which currently govern its use?
Is this a warrantless search? Are there any internal guidelines, policies or procedures governing use and are those public records? What data is stored, who has access, and for how long? Is device borrowed, purchased or leased? Is there a written contract or NDA of any kind with DJI?

Do you think different?
DJI originally said drone does not automatically transmit personally identifiable information.
Was told NLD app doesn't allow transmission of the pilots data... But that's only for Android apk. What about for an iPad app?
Aeroscope is sometimes called a license plate reader for drones. But license plate readers are heavily regulated by the states. Is everyone okay with local police departments using surveillance devices on ad hoc basis and sharing data with zero regulation, documentation or accountability?

I recently heard from NLD that V01.03.0700 doesn't report to aeroscope. Can anyone else confirm this? Is there a list of firmwares that the aeroscope system detects?
This summer I was relaxing on a beach in Puget Sound when I noticed small private plane flying very erratically at less than 500 feet. I paid close attention because plane was very close to me and I was certain the guy was going to crash. The plane had registration numbers but no way I could read them with sun in the sky and with plane's erratic movements. Maybe if I had a telephoto lens all lined up and focused before I first saw the plane and when it passed over my head? Anyhow, the plane careened around the island and headed north right into Seattle air traffic. As soon as I got home I checked the news and sure enough that plane had flown north a ways before crashing into the ocean.

Why cant I have a device that shows me the email address of every pilot and flight path of every aircraft flying from a distance of 10 to 25 miles away? Or, why not just put registration numbers on outside of drone? Just like you say, if someone needs to see the number that bad they can use a telephoto and then check in with the FAA.
I have an app, Flightradar24, android, that shows the aircraft detail in real time as they fly over my house.
I have an app, Flightradar24, android, that shows the aircraft detail in real time as they fly over my house.
Flightrader 24 only uses ADS-B transponder information, which is registered to the aircrafts owner. That said, as I still fly my mode C transponder, you won't get any of that info via the app, much less dji drones.
I have an app, Flightradar24, android, that shows the aircraft detail in real time as they fly over my house.

Flightrader 24 only uses ADS-B transponder information, which is registered to the aircrafts owner. That said, as I still fly my mode C transponder, you won't get any of that info via the app, much less dji drones.

Interesting. I looked up Flightradar. It looks like FR tracks commercial flights only, and like Borntofly said, only aircraft with B transponders (about 35% of aircraft in US?) My guess is FR can and does cloak aircraft for the right people.

So, my question is still:

Why cant I have a device that shows me the name and email address of every pilot and the flight path and declared purpose of every flight? Why all the secrecy?
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Interesting. I looked up Flightradar. It looks like FR tracks commercial flights only, and like Borntofly said, only aircraft with B transponders (about 35% of aircraft in US?) My guess is FR can and does cloak aircraft for the right people.

So, my question is still:

Why cant I have a device that shows me the name and email address of every pilot and the flight path and declared purpose of every flight? Why all the secrecy?

Well, technically you can. Tho it's not wrapped up nicely in a little app. You can definitely go to the faa site and look up any "N" number of an aircraft that you're interested in. There it will give you the registered owners name and some of the aircrafts history. For instance, I looked up a helicopter flying in the area N213PD, which is a police helicopter. On the site it shows enough info to make contact with the owners if needed. Flight plans and such, I believe you can also look those up as well. However that's assuming someone filed a flight plan. Not every flight requires a flight plan, you can if you want, but not required. Of under certain circumstances it is required.

As for declared, no such thing. In this lovely country of freedom, you don't have to declare anything unless it's an emergency.
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to make contact with the owners if needed.
and then i can imagine a conversation like this:

Q: i found your contact data at FAA's website. Can you please give me the pilot's name who flew above my house on day.month.year / time of day?
A: Who's calling?
Q: My name is (your name)
A: Sorry - we can't provide that kind of information. National security - you know. >Hung up phone<
Q: ???
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I think in Australia FR24 is real time, and it does show private aircraft too.
However I think in the US (after 9-11) it is delayed by 5 minutes?
and then i can imagine a conversation like this:

Q: i found your contact data at FAA's website. Can you please give me the pilot's name who flew above my house on day.month.year / time of day?
A: Who's calling?
Q: My name is (your name)
A: Sorry - we can't provide that kind of information. National security - you know. >Hung up phoneQ: ???
Lmao... Truth is... Yes. We've gotten calls left and right back when the city of Chino allowed the contractors build random new housing right next to the airport. Not long after it was occupied, we (helicopter pilots) we're told the left traffic pattern no longer to be used after ten pm. Which is total ******** considering the airport has been there decades before housing. This is called noise abatement. Another example is city of Fullerton has a city ordinance (noise abatement) for helicopters. We're not allowed to fly below 1000ft to keep the noise to a minimum. That said, if your seen flying flying low enough and a civilian can read your N number... Guaranteed you'll have a phone call come into your flight office regarding the flight.
I think in Australia FR24 is real time, and it does show private aircraft too.
However I think in the US (after 9-11) it is delayed by 5 minutes?
Actually it shows private flights here as well. The delay is very minimal, I'd almost agree to call of live. It refreshes well enough.
Yeah, I was wrong.. Well, sorta, there used to be a 5 minute delay in the US, that was removed in late 2016 apparently...
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