Hi friends ! Recently i got a minor crash with my Mini 4 Pro and my one of front sensors got stratched a bit. I mean lens glass of sensor had little fracture. Sensor works well when drone sees a real obstacle. But, in high altitudes like flying over 100 meters or 50 meters doens't matter, sometimes sensors see obstacles that don't exist actually and give me warn of obstacle. In Aliexpress i found a DJI repair seller selling these sensors individually. I don't know how to calibrate them after mounting them to drone. Official DJI vision sensor calibration software currently doesn't support Mini 4 Pro. How can i calibrate new mounted sensor. Or is there anyone already made this before ? What are the results ? There are no any enough information on internet regarding. I didn't send it to service, bcs here services demand very high demands and DJI is not in my country officialy. Thanks..
The Mini 4 Pro sensor i saw on Aliexpress:

The Mini 4 Pro sensor i saw on Aliexpress: