Well-Known Member
Greetings All!
I’m new and I have a bad habit of going Way overboard!
January I started with the Mavic Pro. I then bought the Spark so I could practice closer in.
I bought the CrystalSky 7.85 UltraBright as I couldn’t see a thing on the Iphone positioned at my belt buckle.
The CS mounted on a tripod works beautifully! A few hours spent fabricating the mount was well worth the effort.
I’m an Apple guy, I don’t understand the Android. I am working on it!
I’m waiting to receive the Mavic Zoom package that includes the Smart Controller. Should be at the house today and hopefully I will be able to swing by and get it in the next few weeks. I’m an OTR Driver.
Also, I ordered the Racing Goggles.
Can you tell I’m having to Much Fun!
Concerning the SC, my hopes are that this one controller will function with all three birds greatly simplifying spur of the moment flights as I travel on a tight schedule.
As I understand it, the Goggles will integrate with the CS or the SC. My hopes are that I can integrate the Goggles, the Smart Controller AND the CrystalSky. I would also like to incorporate an external, 4K, monitor so folks won’t have to look over my shoulder or block the CS when viewing the flight.
I can now see what the bird see’s.
Way Cool!
I would like to have the navigation map displayed on the SC and the camera view displayed on the CS.
My problem is that I lose the bird when it is right in front of me. I’m flying at low altitudes, usually below 100’, and sometimes have to reference the map to make sure I haven’t strayed.
As I gain experience, I would like to fly farther and higher so I know that the navigation map will be imperative!
It seems to me that in order for this to work, both the SC and the CS will have to be activated as controlling monitor devises.
If I had two CrystaSky’s it seems to me that I should be able to slit the the USB cable from a Standard Controller and make this work. I would be concerned about signal voltage by doing so.
Until I have all of the equipment in one place, I will not be able to venture forward with trial and error to see what may work.
At this point my main concern is that I don’t fry any units due to voltage drops or variances in impedance.
Any thoughts or knowledgeable experience would be greatly helpful!
Pat Hockaday
Trained Ape TruckinView attachment 69146
Just one quick issue: The Smart Controller only works with Mavic 2 devices and none of the older models.
Oh, I'll toss in a second thing: Strobe lights can really help you keep a drone visible. I've only got the Strobon small lights. Helps find the drone when its gray body disappears into the tree line at the end of a soccer field I fly at.
Oh, and enjoy your new hobby.