I have tried the Bioformats image importer in Imagej. It will import the tiff but displays a white image with no radiometric data.
Ideally I'd like to have access to the radiometric stuff in a browser (click a pixel, get the temperature). Has anyone succeeded with that?
Below is a little give back, its a 51 colour raster palette that I use for thermal ortho's in Metashape. Open the code below and save it as a .clr file then open it from "Import Palette" in "Set Raster Transform". You'll get a false colour spread like the pic below. You're welcome (c:
View attachment 177118
ColorMap 1 1
0 0 0 255
2 0 32 255
4 0 64 255
6 0 96 255
8 0 128 255
10 0 160 255
12 0 192 255
14 0 224 255
16 0 255 255
18 0 255 224
20 0 255 192
22 0 255 160
24 0 255 128
26 0 255 96
28 0 255 64
30 0 255 32
32 0 255 0
34 32 255 0
36 64 255 0
38 96 255 0
40 128 255 0
42 160 255 0
44 192 255 0
46 224 255 0
48 255 255 0
50 255 224 0
52 255 192 0
54 255 160 0
56 255 128 0
58 255 96 0
60 255 64 0
62 255 32 0
64 255 0 0
66 255 0 32
68 255 0 64
70 255 0 96
72 255 0 128
74 255 0 160
76 255 0 192
78 255 0 224
80 255 0 255
82 224 0 255
84 192 0 255
86 160 0 255
88 128 0 255
90 96 0 255
92 128 0 255
94 102 0 204
96 77 0 153
98 51 0 102
100 26 0 51
hi RotorThinghy,
sorry for the late response to the previous message, I was doing a trekking up in the Alps and didn't have connection,
If you want to export the tiff, before you need to preserve the temperature data, this is how you do it:
- After the Orthomosaic is built , to view it , click on the ortho panel:
- Then open the Tool Menu à Set Raster Transform: this window will pop up:
Under output bands, in the “expression” field, write: B4 (if you have also rgb images) otherwise B1 (if you have only one band)
also MAKE SURE THAT “Enable Transform” IS CHECKED!
- Click APPLY, then go to Palette (upper left)
(note that the graph you will see displayed will be different from mine)
- Click on the two circling arrows near the AUTO button
- Then click AUTO (you can also manually tweak the temperature range)
- Finally click APPLY
then you can try to export the image like this:

Use these parameters, precisely set the raster transform to index value, the no data value to whatever you prefer (better if it is quite near the other temperature values, otherwise you will have an all white or all black picture) and the tiff compression to none.
this should give you the data in Celsius and be able to view it in imageJ
Let me know if this works.
Also, in order to view the image in a browser and hover over a pixel and have the temperature value, you will have to make some custom code in JS or something else. I unfortunately do not know of an app to view the image as you want that is already made.
Since the produced tiff doesn't maintain the palette but has the data, you can export two different pictures, one with the rgb palette and one with the temperature data, then overlay one on top of the other (with 0 opacity for the temperature one) and be able to hover the mouse on the image and see the palette but also read the data.
(the overlay stuff you can also do it with ImageJ)
Let me know if this helps!
Best Regards,