Essentially, in a few days, DJI Go and DJI Go 4 apps will have new versions. After upgrading to these new versions, users will have to re-activate via at least a login method to their DJI account. At such time, DJI will mark the location of the user, probably via combination of GPS, IP address, credit card info on file, or some other method, and the user will be subject to strict(er) enforcement based on the region of the world that they live in. The GEO will no longer be only "optional" and will make it so that in busy cities, many folks will not be able to fly at all, and have to drive out to the "country". In some countries were drone flying is not allowed, the mavic might not even fly at all. If the user chooses not to consent to this re-registration, the Mavic will be severely limited, including but maynot not limited to things like only being able to fly max altitude of 98feet above the ground, only being able to fly approciatelmy 150 feet from the remote control, and many other registrations like perhaps speed cap and including confirmed NO LIVE feed back to control etc...
So therefore, effectively, they are essentially forcing all users to upgrade. It is likely that once upon upgrade to this new firmware and new app, users via re-registration will be presented and asked to accept a new Terms of Service, etc while might have legal language that says there will be no more downgrading allowed to previous firmware/apps...
This paves the path of the slippery slope to potentially once DJI has the majority of the customers on effective "lock down" that in the future it might technically allow DJI to do things like remotely send a "kill signal" to a drone to permanently disable it from flying, if someone has reported that drone user to DJI etc, or DJI catches that drone user uploading a flight on youtube that was "against the rules" , regular always online during flight so that it can be tracked in real time and sent to law enforcement and FAA and CAA and whatnot, and many other things such as allowing DJI to continue to degrade the performance of the Mavic (for example now only 84% of a full charge battery is actually "usable" as opposed to 90% when it was first sold on earlier firmware, later this number could get to like 70% or even 60% etc) and perhaps also enforce an open ended NFZ where everyone can request airspace above their home or building to be a NFZ, esssentially in the future "allowed flying areas" will be like the ever shrinking "designated smoking areas" or "free speech zones" of today.