If what is coming is what I think I understand it is, they might probably lose at least this customer, in what pertains to repeated business.
I love imaging in general, photography in particular.
I couldn't care less about the RC-flying vector of drones and I waited for 3 to 4 years for the market (DJI) to come up with a drone that met my requirements:
1. Affordable
2. Good video capabilities
3. Compact enough to be carried in my photography backpack.
Now, in the mentioned backpack there's only that much space and the Mavic has now been included at the expense of some additional photography items for my last 2 trips, the first a "proof of concept" test run for this "photography equipment+Mavic" configuration and the second, last March, for the first "operational" sortie - a sortie that was like a dream come true (...in spite of a crash that was totally my fault

What is now been proposed to me - if I understand it correctly - is to configure my backpack for future trips, leave photography gear behind that might be necessary to accommodate the Mavic and, once on location in any foreign country, play "Geo Roulette" to see if the Mavic can even get off the ground.
If I understood this correctly, their controlling stance over what can and can't be done with their drones, might even lead to someone planning a trip to, say, Sweden only to find out that nothing happens when "record" is pressed because all aerial filming has been deemed illegal in that country and the software, after checking with the GPS position, activates a "no record" sub-routine.
If things go that way, I might say I had a good 4-months run with this amazing hobby but unfortunately, as DJI drifts closer and closer to Apples' philosophy of "
we tell you what to do with what you gave us your money for", I might be forced to give it up and just focus on stills.
(...I would also question the whole legality of taking steps that objectively curtail the operational scope of a device after it has been sold...Will DJI offer me a full refund if I come to the conclusion that the device no longer meets the original requirements i bought it for at the time of the sale?...)